Chapter No.20. Miracle

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Chapter No.20. Miracle

Saturday, and the Steris family was off for a walk in the park, but the weather wasn't cooperating.

"Looks like it's going to rain," James commented after looking up at the threatening sky.

Robert smiled. "I can fix that." He waved his hand, and it went from a dark, cloudy, murky day to a bright blue sky sunny day

"Wow!" James exclaimed. "You can change the weather with a wave of you hand!"

Janet gave her husband a mocking grin, "Showoff!"

They laughed.

Janet drove her family to a nearby park and pulled into a spot in a lot connected to it. She led them to a quiet wooded area with park benches. After setting the table with goodies from an insulated bag, the Steris family enjoyed a lunch of macaroni salad, and hamburgers, along with soft drinks.

After he had his fill, Robert looked at his wife and said something that changed everything. "I think that I should give you my powers."

Her eyes momentarily grew larger before she squinted. "What?"

"I think you should have powers like me. It would guarantee that you wouldn't be harmed."

"How could you give me God-like powers?"

"As I told you, I can do anything as long as it . . . "

"Doesn't cause harm! Yes, I know that. But you would be playing God if you did that."

"Not really. I believe it's inevitable."

"How are you going to do this cosmic trick?"

He held his hand out. "Take my hand."

She reluctantly placed her hand in his but didn't feel anything. "I don't feel any different," she said.

"Think in your mind that the plastic plates will go into the waste can over there by the tree and the containers with what food is left will go into your insulated bag."

She did and they did.

"Wow!" James said. "I have superheroes for parents! We're the Incredibles!" He calmed down. "How about me?"

Robert waved a dismissive hand at him. "You're too young yet. Besides, we're not going to wear crazy spandex outfits."

He laughed, but his smile vanished when he looked up at the sky. "Looks like it's going to rain."

"Yeah," Robert said. "Let's get to the car."

They rushed to the car just as it began to rain.

"Why didn't you just change it back to sunny?" James asked.

"I don't think that's a good idea. It interferes with the global weather patterns."

Janet drove out onto the highway and headed toward home.

"That sky looks rather ominous," Robert said.

"My phone is showing a tornado alert," Janet said. "Hopefully, we can get home before it comes through here."

"I won't let that happen," Robert said.

"They say that a tornado damaged the Westfield Middle school," Janet said. "If I recall, they were hosting a basketball tournament."

"Take us there," Robert told her.

When they arrived at the school, it was a chaotic scene. The tornado had collapsed the gym roof and had ripped out sections of the wall. Emergency crews were there but unable to rescue people because of the gym roof consisted of very heavy steel sections.

Robert and Janet approached the devastated gym and looked it over. When they moved closer to the damaged building, a man approached.

"Stay back from that!" he commanded. "It's unstable."

Robert looked at him without emotion. "That's okay, we can deal with it."

Janet looked at him with a modicum of panic showing in her eyes. "How are we going to go in there?"

"We can move the roof sections away," he said, moving up to one that was blocking entrance to the collapsed gym. He picked up the section and moved it to the side, after which he turned to his wife and gestured. "Now we can enter."

She followed him into the wrecked gym. He stopped at a large section lying at an angle. "There's bodies under this. I'm going to lift this up so that you can go in and drag them out."

He lifted the section, allowing her to duck and go into the carnage. Four bodies were in in grotesque configurations. Janet hesitated.

"You can do it," Robert encouraged her.

She began the laborious task of dragging the bodies out from under the collapsed roof section. When she had completed the task, Robert allowed the roof section to fall.

He knelt next to one of the bodies, a young male that had suffered a crushed skull. He placed his hand on the damaged section and it immediately began to heal. He turned to his wife. "Just place your hand over the damaged parts and you'll see what's wrong and what you have to do to fix it."

She stared at him with doubt showing in her eyes but then got busy resurrecting those who had been struck down by nature.

Three men dressed in uniforms stood gaping at this process in complete rapture, and when it was complete, they were speechless.

Robert looked over at them and smiled. He gestured to his wife. "I'm training her to be a superhero."

The four resurrected young males stood in a group gaping at their saviors.

The two superheroes walked past the rescue crews as if they were not there. No one tried to intercept them as they went back to the car and drove away.

"How'd you do, Mom?" James asked.

"I really don't know," she replied in a small voice. "I've never imagining myself doing anything like this."

"It's not that hard," Robert said. "Basically, you just see what's wrong and fix it."

Janet drove the car home in silence. After parking the car in the garage, she and her family entered the house to find the Vesta Virgins awaiting them. The five women surrounded the Steris family.

"We are surprised that you awakened the powers in your wife, Robert," the head Vestal said. "Powers are never shared by those who possess them."

"I wanted her to be safe, and the only way was to have her be like me."

"Janet, you inherited a sizable inheritance from your mother. Instead of using it to enhance yourself you maintained your husband in a care facility. Why did you do that?"

"I . . . I didn't want to abandon him like that. I love him."

"We are pleased with all of you," she said.

"Ah," Janet said. "Why don't people realize that we are what we are? "

"You are not members of the powerful elite. You don't fit the profile of those who could control nature."

Janet had no idea what she meant. She stared at them as if they were apparitions.

They vanished.

Janet turned to her husband. "Do you get the feeling that this is some sort of cosmic experiment?"

Robert nodded. "Yes, there's no doubt about that. It's obvious that we were born with these powers and it took time for us to realize it."

"Does that mean that I have them too?" James asked rhetorically.

"Yes, but you must be careful how you use them."

"I thought there was something going on," Janes said. "I am able to understand math and complicated concepts in school without studying." He smiled. "Evidently, we are the Incredibles."

Robert chuckled, "Yeah, as long as we don't have to wear those silly outfits."

They laughed,

But something was about to take place that would change everything,

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