Chapter No.77. Training wheels.

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Chapter No.77. Training wheels.

Janet decided that her sister, Amy, needed to experience her more softer skills, so to speak, and a good place to do that was in the main city park. But, before that, she thought that it would be a good idea to provide Amy with some current courtier.

They went to Macy's at the mall and immediately began browsing.

"I feel bad about the fact that you're providing me with a wardrobe," Amy said as she searched through a rack full of jeans. Obviously, I don't have a bank account."

"Ha! No kidding!" Janet replied with a grin. "You don't have to be concerned about the money aspect. We've developed ways to acquire a good income without revealing our true identities."

"It'll take me awhile to get accustomed to being straight," Amy said. "My life was a whole lot less than that of a law-abiding do-gooder."

"You have to think service," Janet said. "We provide a normalizing aspect to mankind by preventing major disasters and crime sprees. We are essentially doing what God wants us to do."

"Doesn't mankind consider us as comic book characters?"

"Yes, but as you can see, we're not. We're a normal family with amazing powers."

"You are orders of magnitude away from normal," Amy said. "I would think that the powers would want to see you destroyed."

"They've tried but were unsuccessful. What they forget is that we are being protected by God, and God is in control, not them or us for that matter."

"Well, as far as I'm concerned it's a whole lot better than rotting in prison. They dragged me out of the showers and beat me. I had bruises all over my body. I never understood how they vanished so quickly. Now I understand."

Janet replied with a smile, but deep down she realized that she was dealing with an emotionally damaged woman.

Later when they were strolling in the park they came upon a child that looked out of sorts. He was a twelve-year old boy but was obviously not well.

"He's autistic," Janet said. "I think we'll have you cure him."

"How in the hell can I cure him?" Amy asked, frowning. "I don't know squat about autism."

Janet approached the child and he stopped and stared at her. She gestured to her sister. "Come here and place your hand on his forehead."

Amy reluctantly did what her sister ordered. Janet looked at her. "Do you see the neurons that are blocked in his brain. They represent disrupted synaptic pathways brought about because of genetic mistakes."

"Yes, I do. I don't know how I'm seeing them, but I do."

"Okay, all you have to do is unblock the pathways by repairing the neuron receptors. Then, you can find the genetic mistakes and repair them."

A woman approached. She was a tall blond with a scowl on her pretty face. "What are you doing?" she yelled.

Janet turned to her and smiled. "I'm teaching my sister how to cure."

"What?" the woman screeched. "You're crazy! No one can cure ASD!"

Amy stepped away from the boy. "I think we can."

"She opened my mind, mother," the boy said without any vocal distortions. "I can see things as they are."

The woman stared at Janet and Amy with wide eyes. "How . . . what have you done?"

Janet smiled. "We cured him, mam. Have a nice day."

They walked away leaving the confused mother with her cured child.

"She was pissed," Amy said."

"She'll get over it."

"I have no idea how I was able to see all of that by simply touching him," Amy said. "I was able to see down into the actual cell structure at a molecular level."

"Yeah, it's cool," Janet said. "I think the next thing to teach you is how to resurrect."

Amy's eyes widened. "You're kidding me, right?"

"Nope. You can resurrect a dead person. I've done many of them."

Amy shook her head. "This is beginning to sound like a paranormal dream."

Janet laughed.

Later that evening, Robert and James dressed in shorts and tees were relaxing near the pool after an exercising swim. They were enjoying a beer.

"How's the newbie coming along?" James asked.

"I gave your mother the job of training her."

"I don't blame you. It's going to be a problem trying to convert her to our ways. She has a rebellious attitude about her."

"Yes, but your mother is the best one to convert her."

Just then, Janet, Sylvia and Amy strutted by wearing their best birthday suits.

"You guys just wasting time lounging around drinking beer?" Janet asked them with a teasing smirk on her pretty face.

"Yeah, that's what men do," Robert quipped. "You gals are not dressed appropriately."

"We're going to have fun on the body slide that you enhanced."

Robert smiled. "Enjoys!"

They strutted away swinging their cabooses to tease them.

"Women!" James exclaimed with a mock frown.

"Yeah, I hear you."

Not too long after that they heard the women screeching and laughing, accompanied by splashing water sounds. They also saw them climbing out of the pool before climbing up the ladder to the top of the body slide.

"Amy must not be too affected by her imprisonment," James said. "She seems to be happy being here with us."

"I think it's because we're not judging her. We're just welcoming her into our family with open arms."

"I wonder how many other people are like us out there," James said.

"That's a good question, but so far it appears that they are somehow related to us if not by blood, by assimilation."

"That makes us sound like the Borg," James quipped.

"Yes, but the Borg were dedicated to dominating everyone they came across. We're not supposed to be doing that."

James knew that was the case, but he had no idea where it was leading. "Maybe her addition is to test our ability to deal with people like her."

"That could be, but maybe it's because we need a larger army, so to speak, to accomplish our mission to save mankind."

"Hopefully, we don't end up becoming a joke," James said. "We look like a circus act."

Robert smiled. He realized it was a justified opinion, but there was nothing he could do about it.

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