Chapter No.9. Absurd tranquility.

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Chapter No.9. Absurd tranquility.

Memorial Day, and Robert thought it would be a good idea for he and his family to go somewhere to relax. He chose Greenfield Village in Michigan because it not only expresses historical American values it is a chance to fade into the crowd, so to speak.

Robert and James were anxious to visit Edison's Menlo Park laboratory with its replica of the place Edison invented the incandescent light bulb. Robert hoped that no one would recognize him there.

No one did, but on the way back home, when they stopped at a service stop off the turnpike, he saw a bald little girl sitting on a kid's chair alongside a car with its doors opened. Her parents were busy cleaning out the car.

He went over to her and squatted down in front of her. She looked at him with eyes that exuded pain. He reached out and put his hand on her head, rubbing over a suture scar. A few moments later the girl smiled at him. Robert smiled back and stood up. The scar was gone.

Her parents had noted that their daughter was much more animated than usual. They stared at Robert in silence at first.

"I removed her brain tumor and repaired the damage." Robert said casually, as if it was just another simple thing one does.

"Are you the healer that everyone is talking about?" the girl's mother asked.

"I could be," Robert replied. "I don't go online at all."

"Thank you," the mother said, struggling to maintain her composure, but with her eyes misting up.

Robert turned and walked away surprised by their rather calm reaction to what he had done. Maybe they were skeptical or were afraid. He was glad that what he did didn't attract attention. He brought his family here to have fun not to be mobbed as if he were a celebrity.

On the way home, they came upon what appeared to be a serious accident.

"Pull over," he told his wife.

"Are you sure?" she asked him with skepticism exuding from her eyes.

"I don't think this is a trap."

She pulled over and he rushed to the accident site. Both cars were severely damaged. One car had flipped over. The drivers and passengers were sprawled out on the grass off of the berm. Two of them were covered with blankets.

He squatted down near one of them and pulled the blanket down to reveal lots of blood. He held and hand on the forehead of the young man and he immediately looked at him with a surprised expression.

He helped him stand up much to the astonishment of the spectators standing around the accident scene. He went to the other dead victim, a young woman, and repeated his resurrection magic. By now people had gathered around crying out their happiness at what was a miracle.

Robert repaired three injured victims while the crowd looked on like spectators at a magic show. He simply walked through them and returned to the car as emergency vehicles and police cruisers arrived.

His wife gave him a stern look before driving back onto the road and speeding away.

He shrugged. "I'm doing what I was told to do, help people."

"You're also supposed to find the evil person and stop him from destroying everyone."

"That will come soon enough."

After returning home, James went off to his room, leaving Janet and Robert to enjoy peace and quiet, but Janet was curious about something.

"You haven't requested that I . . ."

"I didn't come back from eternity to demand anything from you," Robert said. "I respect you and will not impose upon you."

She offered a teasing smile. "Maybe I wish to be imposed upon."

Robert smiled. "In that case, I am at your service, madame."

At first, Janet wasn't sure of her emotions. Sha hadn't had sex for those ten long years and wasn't sure how she would feel about it now, but it was time.

She slowly began to undress, not knowing if her husband would appreciate her physical appearance. She wasn't all that happy with her soon to be middle-aged body, but it was all that she had to offer him. Little did she know that he was not one to judge her. He was happy to be alive and doing something that would change the world.

He smiled when she offered herself to him. It was the kind of smile that assuaged all of her fears and made her happy to be doing something wonderful.

Their evening of copulation went well. Janet was surprised by how much she enjoyed something that she had not done in all those years. It was exhilarating.

After they had relaxed in bed together, Janet frowned. "Oh shit!"

Robert looked over at her. "What?"

"I forgot to check my menstrual cycle. I could get pregnant,"

"You don't have to worry about that. I made sure it wouldn't happen."

She exhaled a relieved breath. "Good! The last thing I need to do during this time of crisis is to become pregnant."

"Hopefully, we'll survive this crisis to enjoy old age together."

"I thought that you said that you wouldn't survive this final battle."

"I might, but I wasn't told that I wouldn't."

She sighed. "It doesn't matter. I'm too old to have another child."

"I can fix that."

She raised her head up to look at him. "What do you mean?"

"I can make you younger physically than your age."

She thought about it for a moment before replying, "What about you?"

"I am younger than you. One of the aftereffects of my coma is that I never aged."

"That doesn't make sense."

'Nothing about this makes sense."

Janet had to agree with his conclusion, but she wasn't sure how to deal with it emotionally. Physically, she sensed that something had changed. She felt different, and it was the beginning of something new.

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