Chapter No, 28. Top of the World.

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Chapter No, 28. Top of the World.

James smiled. "I know a place where no one would recognize us."

Both Robert and Janet waited impatiently for him to reveal his choice.

"We could go to Mount Everest."

Robert glanced at his wife, who simply presented a nonplussed look. He turned back to James. "Ok, I'm game, but as I recall it's very cold there, not to mention that it's high enough to cause low oxygen blood levels."

"We can easily endure those conditions."

"I thought that there are many climbing expeditions to Mount Everest," Janet said. "We might run into a lot of people."

"I don't think so," James said. "It's the late winter season and not as many climbers try the summit."

"Okay," Robert said. "Let's do it."

They changed into their superhero outfits and transported to the summit of the highest mountain on Earth. No one was there to greet them.

"This is great!" James exclaimed. "We're standing on the top of the world."

"Yes, so to speak," Robert said. "We've flown much higher than this."

"Yeah, but not by standing on solid ground."

"Someone's coming," Janet said, turning to watch a group of climbers ascending from the South Col Route.

Five men were attired in heavy fur coats with face coverings as well as oxygen tanks. They stopped to gawk at the superheroes.

"What the hell!" One of them blurted. "How did you get up here?"

"We were out for a morning walk," Robert said, suppressing a grin. "We wanted to see what the hoopla is all about." He looked around at the mountain peaks bathed in puffy clouds. "I must admit that it's a great view."

James snickered, and his mother gave him a rebuking frown.

Robert, Janet and James vacated the very top of Mount Everest's peak. Robert gestured to it. "Have fun, gentlemen."

Just then the mountain suffered a vibration and then a frightening rumble.

"What the hell was that?" James asked, her eyes wide with concern.

"I think that was an earthquake and it caused an avalanche," Robert said, looking down the mountain's south side.

"There's another team coming from that route," one of the men said.

"Oh, oh!" Robert said. "Looks like we have a job to do."

"What could you do?" the man said. "It would take hours to descend to where they are."

Robert smiled. "I think we could do better than that." He gestured to Janet and James. "Let's go."

The men watched the three superheroes run down the mountain on the snow at an unbelievable pace. They were completely amazed by the astounding demonstration of superhuman powers.

The Steris family reached the Camp 2 level where a climbing team had become trapped in an avalanche. They used their powers to make the snow split and flow away to reveal the men that were trapped in their tents. Some of them had been killed. Others were in bad shape with broken bones and frozen bodies. The superheroes went to work repairing the damage and resurrecting those that had died.

"Who are you?" the leader of the climbing team asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"We were out on a morning walk to the top of this mountain and noted the earthquake and subsequent avalanche that trapped you, so we came down here to save you."

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