Chapter No.35. War of ways.

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Chapter No.35. War of ways.

Robert sensed it first. It was a mental image of ten missiles heading for the West Coast. He sat up in bed like a jack in the box, startling his wife.

"What's the matter?" she whispered.

"Ah . . . I think China is trying to invade the West Coast. They've launched a bunch of nuclear missiles."

"Yes, I can see them in my mind," she said. "It's like a dream."

"Unfortunately, it's real."

James appeared in their room. "Hey, I'm sensing a bunch of nuclear missiles headed to the Pacific Coast!"

"Yeah, we know. Let's make them vanish."

After a period of silence, James was the first to react. "I'm sensing a large naval armada heading for the coast."

"Are we going to make them disappear?" Janet asked.

"No. I believe we should allow our military to handle that."

"How are we going to do that?"

Robert got out of bed. "Let's go to the war room and inform them."

They changed into their superhero outfits and appeared in the Pentagon war room. President Hollis, Major General Newton and Secretary of Defense Wells stared at them.

"We made the missiles vanish," Robert said. "But there's a naval armada headed to the Pacific Coast."

"Can you stop them?" the general asked.

"We're not allowed to kill, so that's where you come into this. We can display the location, course, and speed of every ship in that armada on your computer system. That should give you time to organize and direct an interception fleet to stop them." He turned to his son. "Transfer the information to their system."

After James complied, the General studied the information along with other military tactical experts.

"We will help save any personal that get wounded or even killed," Robert said. "But we will not participate in the battle. I would suggest that when this is over, you contact their consulate and enter into diplomatic talks. Good luck, gentlemen and God bless."

The superheroes teleported back home.

The news media was ablaze with the unfolding events that would change the world forever. The superheroes waited until most of the naval engagements were complete before they flew out over the Pacific to help the wounded and dead, most of which had been taken to a large hospital ship.

When the superheroes appeared there, the medical staff stepped aside to allow them to do their miraculous work, healing wounds and resurrecting those who had been killed in action.

The U.S. Navy had lost three ships, including two destroyers and a carrier that was put out of commission. The Chinese navy's losses were much higher, which is the reason that they turned back. The other main reason that they broke off engagement was because they learned that their missiles never hit their targets.

After diplomatic contacts and eventually a U.N. censure, the world's powers realized that resistance against the superheroes was futile. Even more important was the fact that the United States accepted that the superheroes were there to protect them and not to take over.

The news agencies began to point out the significance of Robert's speech, especially the fact that the superheroes were here to help mankind not dominate. This reality began to set in and cause the beginning of a real peace effort all over the world.

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