Chapter No. 91. Revenge.

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Chapter No. 91. Revenge.

However, not all the details had been worked out, and the news began to reveal the dilemma that faced the country. It was inevitable that the world would know who the superheroes are and what they had done. Robert had decided to submit to an interview, one that was intently watched by the entire world.

Anna Petrovka, a Russian correspondent, was awarded the honors.

"You are the patriarch of the family, Robert. Do you make all of the decisions?"

"No. We discuss all issues that involve us. I was the first to realize that I possess powers."

"You and your family have helped in many disasters, including the recent alien invasion that would have destroyed Russia, and yet your own country has attempted to destroy you. Why do you continue to favor them?"

"We don't favor any country, but we were born Americans, so it was natural that we would help them."

"Are you responsible for President Fenton's disappearance?"

"Yes. We had no other choice. He had authorized a military attack on us. We will not tolerate any attack."

"Why don't you take over the government?"

"We are opposed to that. We have been given our powers by God not to take over but to help humanity survive, and we have honored that mandate on many occasions, including a large asteroid collision, a gamma ray burst that would have stripped the atmosphere from Earth, at least two demon attacks, and the recent alien infestation. Those incidents are the reason we exist. We are not authorized to take over any government."

"And yet you hold your own government hostage."

"We have no other choice. We thought that we could stay hidden and complete our mission through handlers in the government. However, President Fenton made the mistake of trying to destroy us. We cannot die. Only God can take our lives. We have the power to destroy everything, but we don't want to do that. We want peace on Earth, and the best way to achieve that is for all countries to lay down their weapons of war and live in peace."

"I understand that other countries have offered to take you in and protect you. If your own government won't do that, why haven't you considered their offers?"

"We have considered them, and if our government doesn't do as we wish, we will go somewhere else."

Anna smiled, a sign that she realized that the US government was not going to be a threat to her country under these circumstances. But the next question threw a monkey wrench into that belief.

"You say that you are obeying God in what you do, but which God?"

"There is only one God, and that's who we obey."

"How do you know that there is only one God?"

"Because the person who appeared to me while I was in a coma told me that, and I believe him because all of the things he told me came true."

"Who was this person who told you this?"

"I don't know, but he was a messenger from God."

She stared at him for a few moments before smiling. "Thank you for talking to us."

Robert nodded and vanished.

This interview became viral, and it resulted in a demonstration in front of the White House. People were holding up signs that read 'Save our Superheroes', and 'We Love the Superheroes', and 'The Superheroes belong to us'. They were also making lots of noise to make sure that the president and his advisers would listen to their protest.

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