Chapter No.16. Recognition.

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Chapter No.16. Recognition.

A phone ring alarmed Janet. She usually doesn't get many calls on the land line phone connected to the internet, but her older friends prefer that method of communication. In this case, the phone displayed that the call was from the White House.

Robert had been identified because of his facial recognition from his recently acquired ID. His wife answered the phone and gave her nearby husband a look that indicated a dash of fear with surprise. She held the phone out to him.

Robert accepted it and listened.

"Mr. Steris, you have been chosen to receive a Presidential Medal of Freedom. Your family will be permitted to accompany you to the White House on July 4th for the official ceremony."

"We will be there."

"We have made the arrangements for your journey here and your stay."

"Thank you."

Robert handed the phone back to his wife. "Interesting," he said with his eyes cast down.

"Now what?" Janet asked him, her pretty face twisted with concern,

"They want to give me a Presidential Medal of Freedom."

"Wow Dad!" Janes exclaimed. "That's only given to important people."

"Maybe your Lex Luther idea might be possible," Robert told him.

His wife squinted. "Are you suggesting that the president is the evil person?"

"He could be. President Lawrence has been vilified for some of his executive orders."

"How will you be able to know if he's the one?"

"According to the Vestal Virgin I resurrected from the funeral home" he'll have a death symbol on his wrist."

"Let's say he does, what will you do?"

"Nothing. I'm not allowed to harm anyone, even the evil one."

Janet held a symbolic hand to her forehead, "I'm getting one hell of a headache from all of this. You're supposed to find the evil one and stop him from causing Armageddon, but you're not allowed to do anything to him. That doesn't make sense."

"I didn't make up the rules. I'm not sure how this will work out, but it might not be what one would expect." He paused for a moment before he looked her in the eyes. "No matter what, I will not allow him or anyone to harm you or James."

Janet wasn't sure if he could live up to that promise, but she was satisfied with his determination to succeed. Besides, July 4th was a month away.

But Robert's recognition was just getting started. He got a call from the local State Patrol headquarters.

"We would like you and your wife to come to be recognized for your caring for Chris Holden, the wounded officer's life you saved."

"Okay," Robert replied.

"Come to the East Rutherford State Patrol Headquarters on route 9 on this Saturday at 1:00 PM."

"We'll be there."

Robert looked up at his wife. "The State Patrol wants to recognize me this Saturday for saving the officer."

She gave him a smirk. "Looks like you're becoming the proverbial rescuer of lost puppies and children."

He smiled. "It's one of my hobbies."

She laughed.

Saturday came and Janet and Robert drove to the State Patrol headquarters. Several patrolmen were there along with the head of the State Patrol, Gavin Meadow. Local press was there to record the event.

Gavin took the podium. "We are here to recognize Robert Steris and his wife, Janet, for stopping to aid one of our fallen officers, Joseph Kane, who was brutally gunned down by drug pushers. Their efforts that day saved his life."

Those present applauded.

Gavin gestured to Robert, who joined him at the podium. Gavin placed a medal attached to a ribbon around Robert's neck. "You are being given this Medal of Honor for you service to the State Highway Patrol as a reminder of our gratitude for what you did that day."

Robert nodded. He turned to the audience. "I would have stopped no matter what. My training as a Marine combat medic kicked in and I did what I've done many times. "

The audience applauded again.

Robert gestured to his wife. "My wife helped me by making the 911 call and reporting the criminals who shot the officer."

The applauded again. Janet didn't know what to do so she just smiled.

"It was that report that was instrumental in our apprehending the criminals that did this heinous crime."

More applause.

The ceremony broke up and Robert had to do individual interviews with the press.

"You're that guy who saved the woman and child from a burning car," a reporter said.

Robert nodded. "Yes."

"Do you realize who you rescued?"

"No. I didn't."

"That was the Vice President's wife and child."

Robert and Janet exchanged knowing glances. They realized that this was the real reason that Robert was getting a Presidential Medal of Freedom.

"Oh my!" Robert replied. "I had no idea."

"You're all over the internet," the reporter said.

Robert wasn't sure that was a good thing, but he was now committed to what was about to take place.

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