Chapter No.58. Ultimatum.

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Chapter No.58. Ultimatum.

The Steris family were fast asleep on a sultry summer evening when they simultaneous awoke and instantly changed into their superhero outfits, swords and shields at the ready. Sylvia and Sparky appeared alongside them as tanks and armored troop carriers approached and began bombarding their house.

Robert raised his sword. "Let them have it!" he yelled.

A virtual rain of energy beams blasted tanks and troops to pieces. Explosions of munitions thundered causing devastating destruction while fighter jets appeared in the sky and fired missiles. The superheroes countered with a steady but well aimed barrage of energy beams that swept them from the sky.

The last straw was the approach of a nuclear missile. Robert deactivated it and caused it to fly out into space.

"Why are they attacking us?" Janet yelled.

"Let's go to Washington and find out," Robert said.

As they approached the White House, they came under a concerted missile attack, but after removing them from the sky, they blasted the launch sites. Large number of soldiers fired all sorts of weapons at them with no effect. When the superheroes began raking them with energy beams, they ran for cover.

The superheroes appeared in the Pentagon war room. Surprisingly, no one attempted to confront them.

Except for one, a woman who morphed into a demon. Robert approached her and her eyes glowed bright and fired energy beams that he absorbed with no effect. He approached and used his sword to decapitate her.

Robert started at the president seated near a console that displayed the destruction that had occurred. "Attacking us will not work. We have a full complement of powers now and will not allow this to happen." He pointed at the president. "How could you betray us like this after all we did to save you and your grandchildren?"

"I was powerless to stop it," he said, his voice breaking with emotion. "Are you going to kill us?"

"No. There are two ways to mitigate this situation in which you have destroyed our home and our chances to remain here. We could easily destroy your military, leaving you vulnerable to your enemies and then disappear to a place you could never find us. Or we could erase what has happened and return to what was before this egregious error."

"How is that possible?"

"We can reverse time to a point before this happened and then prevent it by destroying the evil one."

The president didn't hesitate. "Please, do that."

"Only if you agree not to try and destroy us again."

"Yes, Yes! I agree!"

Robert raised his hand, and everything changed to minutes before the attack began. The demon woman stared at them as if surprised.

"You may do the honors," Robert told his wife.

She grinned. 'With pleasure." She swung her sword in one swift motion to decapitate the woman. The head bounced before coming to a rest near President Hollis' feet.

Robert pointed at the president. "Everything will remain as it was."

"Yes, I will see to that."

"Are you going to take over?" a man with lots of medals pinned to his chest asked.

"Nope. We don't have any ambitions to rule this crazy world. God assigned us a mission to save mankind, and we are dedicated to doing that. The world must realize that going against the will of God will result in bad things happening. God wants us to be peaceful and loving of one another, and he's sent us to help make that happen. We could easily just disappear and not bother. We have the ability to change into whatever we want. No one would realize who we were. However, we prefer to remain as we are. We just realized that we have the ability to not only cure genetic diseases but also to reverse the effects. All we ask is for everyone to allow us to do our thing."

"I can assure you that we will do as you wish," the president said.

"Good," Robert said before he and his family vanished.

The President turned to his military officials. "I think this shows that we are powerless to do anything about them. I will not approve of any more attempts to do so. Evidently, evil has invaded our military and needs to be expulsed."

No one offered an argument against that plan.

The Steris family home was as it was, untouched.

Robert plopped down in his favorite easy chair. James and Sylvia sat on the couch. Janet went into the kitchen to get some snacks. She came back with some chips and pretzels and sat on a chair near her husband.

"Do you think they'll honor their pledge to leave us alone?" Janet asked after munching on a pretzel.

"I think they will," Robert replied. "I think we showed them how powerful we really are."

"It was that demon that caused all of this," Sylvia said. "There could be more of them in the government."

Robert smiled. "If there are, we'll just let our expert executioner take care of them."

"Yeah, mom did a great job in cutting her head off."

Janet grinned. "Yeah, I enjoyed that."

They laughed.

After they settled down, Janet had a very important question. "Do you think they'll leave us alone."

Robert sighed. "I doubt it, but at least they realize that they can't do anything about us."

"Maybe we should think about changing our location," James said. "It seems to be attracting too much attention."

"That may have to be done at some point. We'll just have to see what happens."

At this point they were exhausted and went back to bed. They were not aware of a new event that would change everything. After Sylvia returned to her house, she found something she didn't expect.

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