Chapter No.71. Infant Ascension.

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Chapter No.71. Infant Ascension.

James and Sylvia were attending Hampton Community College as freshmen. Both decided to go into Physics, mostly because they figured it would come in handy for their roles as superheroes. They had decided to not make a big deal out of graduating from high school to avoid being recognized. James and she did go to the prom as a couple. Most of their friends didn't realize they were brother and sister and that she had recently given birth thanks to their morphing powers.

James and Sylvia were walking to their next class when they noticed a guy acting as if in distress. When he pulled out a gun from his backpack, James decided he had to intervene.

"I don't think you want to do anything violent," he told him. "I can assuage whatever is bothering you."

The student, a young man with bushy hair and a goatee, aimed the weapon at him. "I have no other choice."

"There are always other choices. You're flunking out and it will abrogate your scholarship. Right?"

"Yes. How did you know?"

"I am able to see everything and know what's in your heart." He held out his hand, "Let me have that. If you shoot it, your troubles will be compounded."

The students and teachers watching this were astounded when the guy handed the gun to James, who held it up so that a campus police officer could take it.

Harold Timmons, the school administrator came over to James and patted him on the back. "That was an awesome thing you did. I would have never been that brave."

"Sometimes reason works in cases like this. Sometimes it doesn't. I got lucky."

James got another pat on the back and a handshake.

After everyone went back to what they were doing, Sylvia joined James. "You just got lucky! Ha!"

"Hey, it's the only response that I could think of."

She laughed.

Later that evening, when the Steris family was home for the evening supper, the baby was sitting in a highchair spooning food into its mouth.

"Isn't he a bit too young to be doing that?" Robert asked.

"That's not the half of it," Sylvia said. "I found him standing in his crib. He had pulled himself up all by his self. That's something a baby can't do until at least nine months."

"Well, that proves he's a super baby," Robert said.

"I guess it won't be necessary to take him to a pediatrician," Janet said.

Sylvia laughed. "If I did that, they would know that something was really abnormal about him."

"At this rate he'll be able to talk to us," James said.

"He already making sounds that are close to real words."

"It makes one wonder where this is going," Janet said.

"Only God knows," Robert said. "And He isn't telling. All I can say is that I never expected anything like this."

"None of us did," Janet said. "We are deep into an experiment that we have no training for."

No one could argue with that.

To their surprise, nothing happened for three months. Normal life went on as if the experiment had taken a vacation, and they were happy with that. It gave them a chance to take a break from their superhero roles.

Of course, this wasn't about to last, but before all hell broke loose, the Steris family had time to prepare their newest superhero.

Jack, the super baby had advanced way ahead of any infant his age. He was able to walk and babble in baby talk.

"I think it's time to see what he can do," Robert said as he stood outside in the backyard throwing a ball around with James. Janet and Sylvia were sitting on the patio relaxing, but they gathered around Robert and James when they heard what Robert said.

Robert deliberately threw the ball up in the air. Baby Jack flew up and grabbed it in midair before he landed.

"Okay, He's definitely a superbaby."

"Do you realize how crazy this is!" Janet said.

"Yes, but we have to assume that this is part of the experiment."

"I don't understand what our roles are now. Why do we need a super baby?"

"My guess is that something is about to happen that requires a full complement of superpowers."

"Maybe it will be the final Armageddon," James proposed.

"Could be, but it's hard to imagine what it would entail."

James turned to Sylvia. "He'll need a superhero suit."

"That's crazy!" she retorted.

"It worked for the Incredibles," James said.

"Actually, we should be called the Impossible fools."

"We not fools, grandpa!" Baby Jack said.

They laughed.

Suddenly, a low flying plane momentarily startle the Steris family.

"That plane is way too low!" James said.

"Yeah, let's go fix that," Robert said.

They changed into their superhero uniforms and flew fast to catch up with the passenger jet."

"Looks like they got an engine failure," Robert said. "Let's do our thing and get it up higher."

Robert took the left wing, Janet grabbed the right wing, James held onto the tail while Sylvia joined him. They looked to the side and saw Baby Jack and Sparky flying along near them.

James swung the plane around for an approach to the airport while Robert and Janet kept the plane level. With a concerted effort, they guided the plane to a gentle landing, slowing it down to move it into its assigned berth.

When the superheroes gathered on the tarmac, people took pictures and video, which was expected.

Later, when the superheroes returned home, they found that the internet was ablaze with the videos that showed a super baby and a dog flying around.

"Opps!" James exclaimed. "That definitely caused a stir."

"I'm not at all surprised," Janet said. "Think of how crazy this looks."

"Yeah, but it's good crazy," James said.

"Maybe this will help keep our identity hidden," Robert suggested. "No one really knows about Baby Jack."

"I'm surprised that people didn't wonder where we went," Sylvia said. "We haven't done anything for quite a while."

"Even superheroes take vacations," James said.

"Somehow, I have trouble picturing that," Robert said. "What do superheroes do when on vacation?"

"They relax and enjoy the fruits of their labor," James said.

"There you go," Robert said. "Let's relax."

"Play ball, Grandpa"

Robert smiled. "I have been summoned."

They laughed.

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