Chapter No.52. Kombat.

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Chapter No.52. Kombat.

Things returned to normal again, which only proves that even superheroes get breaks, but then again, they're not normal superheroes.

James and Sylvia like to hike in the nearby woods where there are many paved trails through the trees and around ponds.  The weather was perfect, a slight breeze and partly cloudy made it comfortable. It's normally peaceful, but on one such walk, things got a bit out of hand.

"Do you think we'll ever be able to live a normal life?" Sylvia asked.

"I doubt it," James said. "Hopefully, we can enjoy what little of it we can."

"I think we're about to be tested," she said.

James frowned. "Yeah, I think you're right."

Six young men emerged from the trees. They were attired in jeans and tight-fitting jerseys and they appeared to be looking for trouble, especially after they blocked James and Sylvia's path.

"Nice girl you got!" one of them said. "How about sharing her."

James smiled and looked at Sylvia. "Looks like a good time to try our combat training."

"I believe you're right," she replied, ginning.

"You think it's funny?" the guy growled.

James curled his fingers and gestured. "Come and get it."

The men rushed up, but James and Sylvia were suddenly behind them. The guys turned to engage. Sylvia jumped up with her right leg out and did a quick twirl in midair, knocking two of then down. James leaped up and kicked the obvious leader, sending him spiraling to the ground. The other men advanced, but both James and Sylvia landed smashing kicks to them. The leader got back up is and pulled a gun from his pocket. James noted it and made it come into his hands. He crushed it into a lump of metal and threw it at him conking his head. The rest of the men stayed on the ground.

"If I were you, gentlemen, I would avoid stupid moves like this," James said before he and Sylvia walked away.

"Idiots!" James declared.

"I agree," Sylvia said.

They laughed.

However, the session had not ended. James and Sylvia were blocked by a much larger group of adversaries, but these weren't human. They were demons with wings, and they represented a serious threat.

"Looks like we have a real battle to fight," James said.

"We can't take all of them on ourselves," Sylvia said.

Just then Robert, Janet and Sparky appeared attired in their outfits. James and Sylvia changed into theirs.

The battle began when the demons flew up and rushed toward the superheroes. Robert decided to use a wedge attack with him at the point. It allowed the superheroes to split the demon force, which gave them a chance to attack the middle of their formation.

Firing energy beams from their eyes, the superheroes were able to deflect the energy beams from the demons. This prompted the demons to try smashing into the superheroes, but rapid changes in velocity and direction thwarted that tactic. What was left consisted of a good old fashion slug fest.

Demon blows sent the superheroes to the ground, but they got back up and used faster attacks to knock the demons out well enough to allow the them to deliver damaging blows.

Sparky helped by distracting the demons, which allowed the superheroes the opportunity to deliver destructive blows.

However, Robert realized that the only way that this rumble was going to end was for him to destroy the leader, a larger demon with a long lance. The demon had horns that curled around his head and he was enveloped in beams of fire, resembling the demons that they had already engaged.

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