Chapter No. 27. Equity.

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Chapter No. 27. Equity.

The next day, Robert had second thoughts about just ignoring what happened. "I think it's time to go and settle this with the government," he told his wife and son at breakfast.

"So far, that hasn't done much good," Janet said.

We must convince them that we are not a threat."

"Sounds like a tough proposition," James said. "They only understand power and authority."

Robert stood up. "I'll just have to go and straighten them out."

"I assume you don't need us," Janet said.

"I think all three of us going there would make them think we were ganging up on them."

"Yeah, you're probably right," James said.

Janet just nodded her acceptance.

Robert appeared in the Oval Office of the White House. He held his right hand up, palm out. "I come in peace."

Two burly looking guards appeared but stood back when President Hollis waved his hand at them.

"I don't understand why the CIA was willing to sacrifice a hundred thousand lives just to destroy us. We are not a threat to anyone. The bad news is that we are under control of angels who are not restrained from using violence like we are. I believe it's time to stop this nonsense and allow us to help you save America."

"How can you help me save this country?" the president asked.

"My family and I are capable of sensing threats, even those that are well hidden. We are willing to help the CIA find these threats and stop them before they do harm."

"And what must we pay you for this service?"

"We need no payment. It's our mission to save mankind from annihilation. We also are dedicated to curing people and saving them from death."

The president looked surprised. "What precisely can you cure?"

Robert surpassed a smile. "Anything."

"I have stage four colon cancer. Can you cure that?"

Robert held out his hand. "Take my hand,"

The president cautiously took Robert's hand and immediately felt that something was happening to him, something good.

The president stood up. "My wife is in Walter Reed dying from metastatic breast cancer."

This time, Robert did smile. "Let's go take care of her." He realized that this was not a coincidence.

They appeared in the President's wife's room. She was lying there unconscious and hooked up to all sorts of instruments that showed her metabolic condition.

Robert placed his hand on her forehead and her eyes blinked open. "Who are you?" she asked.

"I am the Lord's servant, mam,"

She smiled.

A doctor and two nurses rushed in to see what was happening.

"What the hell!" the doctor exclaimed. "All of her metrics are normal."

"She's free of all cancer," Robert told the doctor.

The doctor stared at him for a moment before turning to the nurses. "Run a CT scan."

The nurses wheeled her bed out of the room and down the hall.

"Take me back to my office," the president demanded.

Within a blink of the eye, the president was back seated at his desk with Robert standing nearby.

The president dialed a number and waited before saying something. "I want all work on Red Stand to end." After a few minutes he hung up and looked up at Robert. "You won't be bothered by them again."

"If you need help with anything, just contact the two FBI agents that we've been dealing with."

"I will, and thanks for curing my wife and me!"

"You're welcome," Robert said before vanishing.

He appeared back at his home.

"How'd it go?" James asked.

"We won't be bothered again. I told him that we are willing to help in case there's a threat to the country."

The phone rang and Janet answered it. After a brief conversation, she turned to her husband and son. "Father Johns wants to know if we would agree to conduct healing session at the Welcome Baptist church. I told him we would."

"That's the African American church across the street from St. Peter and Paul, right?"

"Yes," Janet said.

"That should be interesting," James said.

Both Robert and Janet agreed.

That evening, they arrived at the church and entered to meet Father Johns and Pastor George, an African American man in his fifties with a well-trimmed goatee.

"So happy you could come," the pastor said, gesturing to a church full of African American people who needed a lot of help.

"Let's get busy," Robert said. "James will do the children, my wife will handle the women, and I'll serve the men."

They went to work curing all sorts of maladies, many of which were fatal cases of cancer, dementia and age-related diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and sickle cell anemia, all maladies that the Steris family could easily cure.

Robert ended his session by holding the pastor's hand to cure his prostate cancer,

"Thank you so much!" the pastor emoted. "We appreciate your coming here."

Robert looked at him with a serious expression. "Don't thank us! Thank God! God is working through us. We are just his lowly servants."

"We appreciate your willingness to help these people," Father Johns said. "Minority churches are not as well off as ours."

"We are here to help all people, regardless of race or religious persuasion. God does not discriminate. We are dedicated to demonstrating God's love for all."

The Pastor turned to Father Johns. "This has made my faith stronger than ever."

"Yes," Father Johns replied. "I also have become convinced that God is looking out for us."

Everybody in that church was also convinced.

Robert and his family returned home and settled down after an evening of healing.

"We need a change of venue," James said. "We need to go somewhere where no one would recognize us."

"What do you suggest?" Robert asked.

"We haven't flown for some time," he replied. "I know of a place where that would be really fun."

Both Robert and Janet looked at him with curious expressions. What he said surprised them.

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