Chapter No.17. Eventful.

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Chapter No.17. Eventful.

The big event occurred on July 4th at the White House. After a short introduction by President Lawrence, Robert stood while the President placed the Medal, a white star with tiny blue stars on a gold pentagon surrounded by gold eagles, around his neck. That's when Robert got a glance at the President's wrist and it contained a tattoo of a skull.

Robert kept his cool and didn't react. He smiled and shook hands with the president. The Vice President also shook his hand and praised him for saving his wife and child.

The ceremony and the aftermath were as expected. The President said nothing that would indicate that he was the Son of Wickedness. Everyone expressed their accolades, and the press covered the event without a lot of fanfare.

Later, when Robert and Janet were waiting for their plane back home in the airport, Robert suddenly felt shock at what was happening.

"What's wrong?" Janet whispered.

Robert held a hand up but remained concentrated by something that Janet couldn't see. Janet knew something was wrong, but she was clueless about what it was, until she looked up and saw that flight after flight was being canceled and that security agents were rushing around while the lights dimmed. Her husband was no help. He was locked in a trance.

After fifteen minutes of just staring at nothing, Robert turned to her. "I can't believe that he did this."

Janet looked at him with her brow furrowed and her eyes wide. "Who? Did what?"

He stared at her for a moment before replying. "The President launched a nuclear strike on Russia."

She looked around before looking back at him. "Are we in danger?"

"I don't think so. I deactivated the missile warheads. Several of them fell into the ocean. Others simply struck but didn't detonate."

"What about the President? Is he going to launch another attack?"

"I don't think so. One of the missiles fell onto his limousine, demolishing it. I believe he perished."

A security officer rushed up to them. "You must take cover. This airport is under attack."

Robert looked at him. "Actually, it isn't." He stood up and took his wife's hand. "Have a nice day," he said before he and his wife disappeared.

James greeted them with excitement. "Did you just cause a nuclear strike, Dad? The warning sirens have been blaring like crazy."

"Not me, Son. The President did that. I just deactivated all of the warheads." He sighed. "Of course, there's going to be some problems cleaning up the mess. I think it best that I go to the Pentagon and convince them that there is no need to continue trying to destroy all of us."

His wife and son stared at him as if he were crazy.

Robert appeared in the main war room of the Pentagon. Military security rushed over to him, but he made them freeze in place. "Gentlemen, there is no need to panic. I'm here to repair the damage that the President has caused."

"Who the hell are you?" General Watkins growled.

"I am the one who saved all of you from a nuclear disaster. I sensed that a nuclear strike had been launched and that Russia had retaliated, and I deactivated all of the warheads. Other than some collateral damage, no real harm was done."

"He's the guy who just received the Medal of Freedom," another officer exclaimed, pointing.

"How could you deactivate a warhead in a launched missile?" the General asked, his brow furled.

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