Chapter No.62. Bad Day Afternoon.

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Chapter No.62. Bad Day Afternoon.

James arrived at his morning gym class at Freemont High. Derick Stram, a biology teacher, serves as a gym instructor. He's an uncompromising egotist that likes to needle his students.

James and some of his friends were shooting baskets. Stram decided to put his two cents in. "Hey Steris, why don't you join the basketball team?" He laughed. "Oh yeah, I forgot. You can't hit the basket."

James was standing at midcourt holding the ball with his back to the basket. Stram was facing him. James gave him a smirk. "What's the big deal about hitting the basked?" James tossed the ball over his back without looking at the basket. The ball swished in it.

"Ha! You just got lucky. Let's see you do that again." Another student tossed the ball back to James and he dribbled the ball before repeating the trick.

"How could you be that good?" Stram asked. "You can't see the basket."

"I don't have to. It's right over there."

Stram gave him a mocking smirk. "Wise ass!"

The students laughed.

Sylvia gave James a mocking grin when they met before entering English class. They settled into adjoining seats before Mary Ames, the teacher appeared.

"We could go to the mall," Sylvia said. "I could use some new jeans."

James chuckled. "Sounds like a plan."

They appeared outside the Westgate Mall's main entrance and immediately sensed that something was wrong.

"That truck is loaded with explosives," James said. He turned around to survey the parking lot. "And I think that the guys who are going to detonate it are in that BMW over there."

"Why in the hell would they want to blow up a mall?" Sylvia asked, her face twisted with disgust.

"Who knows. I deactivate the detonator. Let's go over there and see what's up."

"Let's get into our uniforms," Sylvia said. "I'll go in the mall and chase people out."

"And I'll go over there and kick some ass," James said before he sauntered over to the car. He pounded on the hood, alarming the three guys inside. They got out and began shooting at James.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but you're wasting your time."

The men were dressed in black suits and were wearing turbans, which James thought weird, considering that they were attempting a terrorist act. Why would they want to advertise it?

People began running out of the mall and police cars roared into the parking lot. James kept the three terrorists from fleeing.

"There are explosives in that truck over there," James told the police. "I've deactivated the detonator. These three idiots were obviously going to blow up the mall."

Sylvia walked over. "Did they say why they were going to do this?"

"Nope. This could be part of a 911 style attack."

The police officers cuffed the terrorists and hustled them into a police van.

James and Sylvia decided to vanish.

Robert was home as usual doing some painting when he knew something was happening. Janet joined him. He shook his head. "Yeah, I sensed it."

They teleported to a Delta Airlines Boeing 375 near the cockpit of a plane that was approaching the airport. Two distressed stewardesses were there. Their faces advertised the severity of the situation.

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