Luke's POV:
"Luke, we're home bud. Wake up"
"mmm?" I turn my face to see Calum. "I'm up. I'm up."
"Sure you are sleepy head." he laughs as he gets off the car.
I take my seatbelt off and stretch but immediately regret doing so as I feel pain throb through my back as I remember my leg is basically MIA at the moment.
I open my door as I slowly swing my legs out as Calum arrives with my wheelchair.
"you got it or you want to grab on to me?"
"Umm, I think I might need help. I can't really move my leg right now without spasming."
"okay, let me help you up."
After helping me sit on the wheelchair, we settle down on the living room where Calum hands me my cup with my cookies and cream ice cream. I smile "thanks Cal" digging in and instantly falling in love with the flavor.
"No problem at all" he says as he finds spongebob on netflix.
"gross, stop making love to your ice cream" he laughs as bites into his, making me laugh.
"shut up, it's the best flavor."
"Coffee is the best ice cream flavor."
"No, cookies and cream is the best ice cream flavor."
We hear our front door close, "No, you're both wrong. Mint chip is the best ice cream flavor in the world."
Calum smiles and gets up to hug Ana, "Hi babe" a quick kiss as Calum tells her he'll set her stuff up in his room and getting her ice cream after.
"Hi Ana!"
"Hi Lu, how are you?" she says as she sits next to me in the sofa, "i heard you had a horrible visit to the ER today"
"yeah, decided I could walk to get my phone but my legs decided to rebel against me and made me fall"
"stupid legs. That's what you get for being a giraffe. The taller you are, the higher you fall." she leans on my shoulder hugging my arm.
"yeah, you're right, cuz being oompa loompa sized is a great ordeal for you." I laugh as she playfully punches my arm.
"I'm not oompa loompa sized, I'm teletubbie size. There's a difference."
"oh yeah? what is that?" I say as I eat more ice cream.
"i don't know but teletubbies are better." She laughs making me laugh as Calum enters and hands her the mint chip ice cream filled cup and reaches for his.
They sit down as we have small conversation until I finish my ice cream and eventually I start to get sleepy again, rendering them to whispers as they switch to a different netflix show.
"You guys can go by the way, I know you guys had reservations. So please go and do not cancel or postpone just to stay with me."
"It's not a worry Lu, we --"
I interrupt Calum by shaking my head "No, please go and have your date. I'll feel worse if you don't go.'
"Lu, -- "
"Anaaa, please go. I'll be fine. Seriously guys, I promise to not get up and try to get my phone. Besides, it's like 4:30 or 5pm. Ash and Mike are going to be home soon so I won't be alone."
I stare at them as they both stare at me with concern in their eyes.
"I'm going to fall asleep anyways, so you might as well go to your date while I snore."
"you promise you won't try to get up? And if you do, you promise to use your wheelchair? I don't want to Michael yelling at me for having to take you to the ER again."
"Cal I promise. I really do. I'm too exhausted to even try and walk by my own right now."
"You'll call us if anything happens or you need help in anything?
"yes, Ana, I promise I will." I say rolling my eyes as I smile for the concerned faces staring at me.
"Cal please go."
A sigh later, Calum agree's and I fall asleep as I watch them cleaning the dishes before they go and get ready.
Calum's POV:
"I'm ready babe" I say as I grab my wallet and keys
"just putting my heels on!" she says as she walks out of my restroom in a beautiful red dress with laced arm sleeves and a tight top but loose flowy skirt and black heels.
"wow. I cannot believe the queen standing before me is my fiance"
She laughs "CALUM! It's just a dress and heels."
"Oh it's definitely just a dress and heels, but baby your beauty and intelligence just overpowers the beauty of the dress in itself. And I can't help but stare at you and remind myself you're my fiance cuz DAMN you're the most beautiful creature evolution ever created." I finish by hugging her and her softly kissing me while smiling.
Ana's POV:
As we walk down the stairs we check on Luke, who's sleeping as promised. We leave his water bottle, a juice bottle, his phone and earphones in the coffee table that we push next to him so he doesn't have to get up. Calum also parked his wheelchair next to him so he didn't have to move much.
In the car, Calum and I sang and laughed and asked how each others careers were going.
"oh! babe, I ran into your friend Lewis today after work as I was walking into the car garage."
"Lewis? I don't know anybody named Lewis babe."
"Yeah! He said he's worked with you in the ER for a while."
"Baby I can promise you, I don't work with anyone named Lewis. Nor do I know any Lewis's."
"You sure? he said he recognized me because he had seen photos of me that you had shown him."
"Woah, big lie babe. Not that I don't like to show off my lady, but at work I keep it strictly in a professional and colleague relationship. Only the guys know you. I've never shown anyone in the hospital a photo of you."
I stay quiet as that pit panic in my stomach starts to act up again, feeling unsafe and uncomfortable by just the simple thought of this Lewis. We arrived and walked out into the restaurant lobby, unaware that across the street was Adrian taking photos of Calum and me for Lewis.

The Flames of Medicine
Fanfiction"I've never had a home, everything that I touch and everyone I love ends up dead or leaving me because I don't deserve to be loved." "you're deserving of so much. Let me help you. Let me give you a home" Cover: @lukescurlsenthusiast Check out her st...