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Claire POV:

"Okay, Claire, I am lifting your bed restriction. You are free to walk around a little more freely now, but keep in mind the health of other patients okay? That doesn't mean you can run around and visit and snoop around. Be mindful." 

I stared excitedly as Michael finished signing off some paperwork to authorize me to be able to walk around more. 

"okay and another thing --"

"Oh come onn Michael, I won't throw a party or bug anyone. I'll only bug you in your office when I'm bored i promise!"

He laughed, "No, Claire that's not what I was going to say. But thanks for warning me. I was going to say that a very close friend of mine is going to come talk to you in a bit about your living situation. You have a month and a half more of therapy here at the hospital and afterwards when we discharge you, we have to think where you're going to go okay?"

"oh... yeah, okay." I got sad. I was feeling so at home with everyone here that I forgot I didn't have a home outside of these walls. I never had a home and the fact that this sense was going to be taken away devastated me. 

"you okay Claire?"

I looked up and met his eyes. I faked a smile "yeah I'm good!. Can't wait to be able to walk around a little more."

he smiled, and stared at me. 

i smiled back.

"okay, well, if you need anything you know where to find me. Remember to wait at least an hour after your IV finishes to start walking okay?"

I smiled and nodded. 

He smiled back and walked out. 

10 minutes passed and I was brought back to reality when I heard a knock at the door. 

"yeah?" I said sitting up and bringing my knees to my chest, the most I could without feeling too much pain.

A young woman, dark brown curly hair, beautiful eyes and a welcoming smile walked in. 

"Hi, are you Claire?" she smiled as she stuck her head in partially through the door.

"umm, yeah that's me." 

She walked in and closed the door. She placed her bag on the chair next to me and walked towards me. 

"Hi Claire, nice to meet you. My name is Sophia and I'm going to be your social worker. I'll be working with you to find you a new home okay?"


"I know it's nothing easy sweetie... Can I call you sweetie or would you prefer Claire or do you have a nickname you prefer me to use? What would you like me to call you?" She says as she sits down.

"umm, i'm okay with endearing terms but I'm also okay with Claire. I've never really been called sweetie or anything like that until I met the guys -- ugh my doctors."

"Yeah, Michael told me about you. You hit a sweet spot with them. They're amazing." she finishes off smiling.

"yeah they are." I smile. "umm if you don't mind me asking, how do you know them? Michael said  you were a close friend." 

"yeah! we met in uni. The guys were, obviously med students, and we shared a class in sciences for sociology and such and we had a group project and we just kept in touch even after the class was done. We graduated together same year and got same residency location and here we are. When they need a social worker they choose me for their cases and whatever case I see that needs a referral I refer them to the guys. Mostly Luke, since social workers and psychologists work together a lot, but I still get to get the guys some patients here and there." 

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