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**This chapter contains sensitive scenery**

This chapter is also dedicated to one of my main friends and supporters <3 @lukescurlsenthusiast thank you for all your encouraging support! Also go check her story out ' The Prince' -- you won't be disappointed! 


Luke POV: 

I searched the room for the crying infant I had heard. I checked under the bed and in the closet but didn't hear anything. I couldn't think where else a scared child would hide. 

I hear the crying again and turn around to behind a wardrobe. What the hell?

I turn around walk towards it. I push the wardrobe aside and see a tape recorder stuck to the wall. 

"What the fuck?" I reach for it and as I grab it the sound of a crying child plays on it. I look around and see a beeping button in the corner under a blanket. 


Hemmings: "CHIEF FALSE--"

I wasn't able to finish my  sentence as I hear Hernandez climbing into the window. I run and push him out into the ladder as I hear a small BEEP. 

Everything got pushed out of me. I lost sense of direction as the only thing I could think of was to leap out of the window. It was either take my luck leaping out of the window or getting fried by the bomb. 

I lost all train of thought as I felt the ground hit me with full force. 

Michael POV: 

"I think I heard the chief say something about a crying child up there." I say as Calum and I clean our tools and get ready to help another victim. 

"Hopefully the infant is okay." Calum says as we both stand up and kneel next to the victim with a few burns. 

We were both working on him when we hear Luke scream something desperate through the radio.


We both looked up startled just in time to see the whole second floor explode.

I always hear about people experiencing moments in slow motion, but I've never experienced it personally. 

Well, everything happened in slow motion. 

I see a pair of hands push Hernandez out the window and into the ladder as a yellow and red flame engulfed and exploded the whole second floor. The next thing I saw I would never forget. I would never question. 

I saw Luke's body fly out the window and fall in slow motion. 

I saw Calum looking at the same thing I was looking at with an inexplainable facial emotion. Calum lounged forward from the force of the explosion. The windows from the house next door broke and shattered as well. I flew backwards from my knelt position as the power of the explosion rocked all of us. 

Ringing. That's all I could register in my ears. The ringing as I looked up and saw the house engulfed in stronger flames than before. 

"Michael you good?" I hear as Calum is pointing his flashlight into my eyes, checking if I have a concussion. 

"I'm good. I'm good." I say as I sit up and get help from Calum to stand up. 


Calum POV: 

I get up and see everyone either running away or running to help. I get up and see I'm okay. I look over at Michael and see he's a little disoriented. 

"Michael you good?" I say as I check his eyes. 

"I'm good. I'm good" as he grabs my hand to help him up. 

We're both evidently startled by the chief yelling 


Michael and I run to where the chief is kneeling. 

We see Luke upside down, unconscious lying on the floor with some of his gear burned. 

"oh god..." 

I hear Michael say as he kneels next to Luke's unconscious form and start to look for a pulse. I sort of wake up from my shock when I hear an engine roar out of the street.

Bruce POV: 

"It's done."


I hang up and bring the engine to life. 

I take my phone out and take a picture of the firefighter laying on the ground, all burned and bleeding. 

I see one of the doctors look at me and I hit the speed and drive off, as I send him a smile. 

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