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Claire POV

It's been a month since I was able to walk and run around this hospital. I have favorite nurses as well favorite doctors. My skin is finally clearing and while you can see some burn scars on my arms, and legs and on my neck, Ashton has worked wonderfully with the other doctors  in helping my scars heal well. They won't clear up 100% but they also won't be so visible. I felt bad about them but Luke has helped me a bit in accepting them and letting me know how they don't define me. 

I finished packing my backpack, which honestly only had like 4 sweatpants and 5 shirts and 3 hoodies and my happy meal hamster. 

"hey, you almost ready hun?" Calum says as he walks in to my room. 

"yeah" I say trying to hide my sadness and anxiety. "almost done. Just trying to fit my hamster"

"no rush, I don't think Sophia is still here anyways. You're set to be picked up at 9:30  and it's barely 8:45. Such a busy morning huh?" 

"yeah, I couldn't sleep anymore so I just got up and got ready. Want to go see Luke before I have to leave you guys."

I finally zipped up my backpack and swung it over my shoulder as I grabbed my hoodie. Calum was waiting for me as I turned around leaning against the wall. He smiles at me and holds the door open for me. 


I knocked as Lukes rooms door was closed so I didn't know if he was sleeping or if he was getting checked over.

"he's just resting honey, you can go in."

"oh, thanks Marie!" I smile as Nurse Marie walks aways smiling.

The room is dark and the only noise is his heart machine and slow reading. 

I quietly walk to my seat. 

"Hey hon. good morning."

Or I thought I had walked quietly at least. 

"man, how do you wake up with just a slight noise. I can't even sit before you're awake." I sit laughing

"you walk too loud. I can sense you."

"that make NO sense" I laugh. 

"how you feeling? you nervous? I know Sophia is picking you up today."

"yeah, she signs my discharge papers at 9:30. So almost." I look down and get my hamster out. 

"you're deflecting hun."

"no, i'm excited! I really am. I hear there are 2 other kids at the house so I'm looking forward to it." i fake smile and try to hold my view to him to prove him wrong.

"You forget I read body language and voice intonation as a living. What's making you feel not so great about this house? Do you not like your foster care guardian? If you don't, you don't have to go, we can always look for another one --"

"no no it's not any of that, I'm excited, really for the kids because I won't be alone, but I'm just worried or scared honestly that I have a "guardian" now." I look down giving up on hiding my emotions. He always makes me show exactly how i'm feeling and i hate him for it because i can't lie to him. "I just, I've never had a family before. I've never had a home. What if this isn't my home either? or they hate me? or the school I'm going to hates me? what if everything just sucks and you forget about me and --"

"Claire, breathe, you're working yourself up." he sighs. "Claire, come here. Sit next to me." 

I drop my bag on the floor and jump carefully on the bed making sure to not pull any cables. I hug my hamster and lean on his shoulder. 

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