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Ashton POV: 

"Alright people, let's move" 

We set up the bed and moved out of the room. I took my coat off and tied my surgery mask over my mouth and nose. We got off the elevator and while the nurses wheeled her into the surgery room, Cal and I went to our ward to scrub in for surgery. 

As we prepped we discussed our game plan and got to work. 

Unknown POV: 

I parked the car and checked my gun making sure it was loaded.

I walked into the Emergency Room, chaos immediately erupting. I had to look for Claire and finish off the job. She couldn't live. She knew too much. She was supposed to die in that fire and not make it out alive. If I didn't finish her off Mark was going to kill me. 

I looked around and saw the people from the fire. Some were dead and some were wreathing in pain. I didn't care. I smiled and walked over to the lobby desk.

"I'm looking for a Claire Donovan" The bitch might have used her real name so I have to look for her in person. I doubt she might have used a fake name. 

The pretty nurse looked up and in the most sympathetic voice she said "I'm sorry sir, i can't help you right now. If you're looking for someone please write down their name here and your contact info and as soon as we finish inscribing everyone we'll make sure to contact you" She looked down, handed me a paper asking for said information. "When you're done please leave it here. I'll file it for you in our missing people and like I said, as soon as we find them we'll contact you. You can also take a look at our board with information of the people we have so far" She motioned towards a board with photos and names of people identified so far. 

I crumbled the paper and put it in my pocket. 

"thank you miss" 

I walked towards the board and looked around. She isn't there. Last I heard on the scene, the snobby firefighter had to go dig his nose where he shouldn't have and brought her out. We'll deal with him later. He saw too much and has too much information on our cover up. He mentioned this hospital and I saw the ambulance arrive so the bitch must be here. 

I walked around making it seem like I was looking for the restroom until I found a hallway and a bunch of doctors and nurses running out with someone that looked like Claire. 

"Let's go --" a dark haired doctor said. They got into the elevator and took her. 

"Fuck -" I whispered. A blonde doctor walked out and saw me.

"Excuse me sir, you can't be back here. Can I help you out to the lobby?" 

"Um, I'm looking for my daughter, she was in the building fire. She has short brown hair, she , she's 15. She had on a pink shirt --" I faked my best concerned father.

"Sir, let's sit you down right here. Let's calm down. My name is Michael, I'm a doctor here. I can help you find your daughter. What's your name?"

"I -- my name is Kevin -- I think I saw her go into the elevator --" I faked a panic attack.

"Okay Kevin, that's great. We didn't know her identity. I can assure you the surgeons are doing the best they can to save her. They're the best at their job, you can relax." 

He handed me  a small cup with water. 

"Will -- will she make it? I can't lose her. She's all I have! Please!" 

"I can't promise you but I can assure you that they will do their best. Let's please try to remain calm and get you to the lobby."

"Okay --" I got up and let him lead me to the lobby. 

He sat me down and asked me her basic information. I lied and said her name is Claire Stefanos.  I told him her age and how her mother had died when she was young and she was all I had left and I was all she had left. He believed it all and wrote it down. He told me he would keep me updated on everything that happened. 

As soon as he left, I dried my tears and pulled my phone out.

"yeah. Boss, I found her. She's in surgery but it's looking like the surgery might kill her off. I'm here and I know where she is. If she makes it out of the surgery alive, I'll finish her off" I hung up and smiled as I sat down to wait.

I'm going to kill her. 

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