Date I

523 10 25

- - - Where each character would take you on a date (Scenes included in next chapter) - - -

Luther: A hiking trail 

Luther: A hiking trail 

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Diego: Laser tag place (he can't really use his power on light, can he?)

Diego: Laser tag place (he can't really use his power on light, can he?)

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Allison: A blanket fort inside her house with Claire as the queen (and the password)

Allison: A blanket fort inside her house with Claire as the queen (and the password)

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Klaus: An amusement park (I'm sorry, but I could see Klaus eating like 5 sticks of cotton candy and throwing it all up on the roller coaster...)


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Five: A fancy restaurant (although he can't have wine...)


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Ben: The movie theaters (perfect for playing pranks on the mortal world haha)

Ben: The movie theaters (perfect for playing pranks on the mortal world haha)

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Vanya: The park at like midnight to see the stars or the Northern Lights (since they live in Canada, y'know)

Vanya: The park at like midnight to see the stars or the Northern Lights (since they live in Canada, y'know)

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Sissy: A picnic in the park (God, could she get any cuter?)

Sissy: A picnic in the park (God, could she get any cuter?)

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Lila: A concert (probably Panic! At The Disco... all the emos in the comment section)

 all the emos in the comment section)

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