Track and Field [Part Two]

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2nd part of the request by multicolor_butterfly , hope you like it! i had a lot of fun writing it tbh <3

p.s. sorry its kinda sad o-o

[Song: lovely - Billie Eilish, Khalid]

btw i put this song bc i feel like lovely really just sums up the relationship between klaus and Y/N in this chapter


Klaus x Female Reader - Part Two (as promised)

**T/W Mentions of suicide, substances, swearing, self-hate, etc.**


3rd Person POV

Loud yelling came from the inside of brick apartment 4B as Y/N made her way to the door. She took a deep breath in and stepped inside the apartment to see her parents arguing, like usual. Her father was drunk again and her mom had just gotten home from work, pissed that the place was a mess.

"Louise, what can I say? If the place is a mess, then it's a mess!" Y/N's father said, waving an almost empty beer bottle around.

"You have no right to speak like that! I'm the one paying the bills and going to work while you're here with your little friends drinking your life away!" The brunette woman yelled back, clearly unaware that her daughter was in her presence, let alone watching.

Y/N crept behind them and into her bedroom where she closed the door, immediately engulfed in silence.

The skinny teenager walked over to her bed ignoring the creaks of her feet.

"Thank God for the soundproof door." She sighed to herself, pulling on one of the floorboards.

It was really loose and came out of the floor with no problem, showcasing a compartment hidden in the floor. A bunch of items (similar to the one in Y/N's backpack) were piled inside of the hole. Syringes, cigarettes, lighters, and pill bottles were littered throughout.

Y/N slid her arm inside and pulled out a cigarette and a blue lighter. She put the floorboard back in and ran towards the window which she opened quietly.

Lighting the cigarette, she thought of Klaus.

"Ha, I'm such a hypocrite." She said internally before letting out a puff of smoke.

~ The Next Day ~

"You guys, I'm scared for Y/N." Klaus said to his siblings.

Vanya, Allison, Diego, and Ben watched him intently. Klaus walked back and forth around the living room, visibly worried and shaking a little.

"You know, if I didn't know any better, which I do, I'd say you actually like Y/N." Ben crossed his arms and leaned on the fireplace.

"Well, I do! But, not like that, Ben." Klaus replied somewhat territorial.

"What did he say?" Allison asked, suddenly becoming more interested.

"That I like Y/N and I don't." Klaus snapped, glaring at his brother.

Vanya giggled a little and Diego scoffed before rolling his eyes.

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