The Proposal - How?

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How they propose -


Y/N and Ben were talking and laughing in the middle of Giants. Ben's family was coming over to their place in a few hours and there was a lot of cooking to do. 

"Hey, we should make my family's famous honey cinnamon bars!" Ben said, fiddling with a ring in his jacket pocket.

"Cinnamon bars? What are those?" Y/N asked.

"You forgot the 'honey' part of the honey cinnamon bars, but think of them like those cinnamon pop-tarts!" Ben said.

Y/N agreed and Ben sat in the cart as his girlfriend pushed him around.

"WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" He exclaimed.

"Wait, make a left, real quick." Ben said, quickly returning back to his serious self.

Y/N turned the shopping cart into the aisle to the left, honey was on the shelves.

"For your honey cinnamon bars?" She asked.

"Kind of..." He said getting down on one knee.


"Vanya, what are we doing here?" Y/N asked her loving girlfriend as she was being dragged into a bookstore. "Don't you have practice?"

"I'm kinda skipping." Vanya said nervously.

"Vanya Hargreeves, you didn't!" Y/N gasped.

Y/N knew that her little (smol) bunny would never break the rules (unless it really called for her, too so she knew something was really important).

"Look!" Vanya said as she enthusiastically pointed towards a shelf.

"Is that your book?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah! I can't believe it's in here!" Vanya exclaimed.

"Love, this is great!" Y/N hugged Vanya who snuggled into the warmth of Y/N's sweater.

After breaking apart, Vanya handed a copy of a book to Y/N and said to open to page 47.

Y/N flipped through the pages of the book and saw that the page was completely blacked out except for a few words. 

"Blackout poetry?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah, r-read it out loud." Vanya said, now resuming her usual quiet, timid personality.

"Okay... Will... you... marry... Oh my god." Y/N gasped as she read the words that weren't covered in Sharpie. 


"Hey, buddy!" Y/N exclaimed after the door to her girlfriend's house slowly opened.

Harlan Cooper was smiling at Y/N wearing a white suit.

"What's that for?" Y/N asked, gesturing towards his formal attire.

The little boy held Y/N's hand and led her to the kitchen where Sissy was cutting slices of homemade cake and putting onto ceramic plates.

"Y/N, you're here! Finally." The blonde woman joked.

"Yeah, well, town square was very crowded today. Why are you baking a cake, darling?" Y/N asked, wrapping her arms around Sissy's waist.

Harlan's smile grew a little bit brighter.

"It's a secret. Now take a slice, I bet work was hard." Sissy said before kissing Y/N's hand. 

"It was, but I'll be okay. Also, why is Harlan wearing his birthday tux?" Y/N asked.

"Harlan, it-it's time... I guess." Sissy turned a deep shade of crimson.

This was Harlan's cue.

He came in holding a little ring and presented it to Y/N.


"SURPRISE!" Lila exclaimed.

Y/N jumped after being immersed in her work.

"Oh my god! Lila!" She exclaimed, her heart rate slowing down.

"Sorry, Y/N, but look!" Lila apologized as she handed Y/N two tickets to a concert.

"MCR?!" Y/N cried, jumping up from her seat.

Lila nodded enthusiastically and Y/N quickly wrapped her arms around Lila, embracing her tightly.

"It's been awhile since we've been to a concert so I figured, why not today?" Lila smiled.

Y/N then looked down at the tickets and noticed Lila was holding a ring in her right hand.

"What's that?" She asked tentatively.

"Oh right, Y/N, will you do me the honor of wearing this ring to the concert and maybe even the rest of our lives?"

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