Date III: Outfits ~ Fall/Autumn - Ben

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What you'd wear on a date with Benny -

Hair: Whatever hair, he won't care

Jacket/Hoodie/Cardigan: Leather jacket with hood (pretty similar to Ben's ;D)

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Jacket/Hoodie/Cardigan: Leather jacket with hood (pretty similar to Ben's ;D)

Jacket/Hoodie/Cardigan: Leather jacket with hood (pretty similar to Ben's ;D)

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Shirt: King Boo Shirt

Pants: White jeggings

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Pants: White jeggings

Shoes: Basic flip-flops

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Shoes: Basic flip-flops

Other: Peacock feather earrings (i dunno, i just thought of it for Benny Boi's date)

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Other: Peacock feather earrings (i dunno, i just thought of it for Benny Boi's date)

Other: Peacock feather earrings (i dunno, i just thought of it for Benny Boi's date)

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How Ben reacts when you ask if you look okay:

How Ben reacts when you ask if you look okay:

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