Among Us

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Them playing Among Us - 

Luther: Red ~ Crew-mate; stays in Communications

Diego: Black ~ Crew-mate; actually does the tasks to "get off this fucking junky ass ship" (his words, not mine)

Allison: Purple ~ Crew-mate; does the tasks, eventually gets voted off because they think she's sus

Klaus: Green ~ Crew-mate; doesn't even know what the fuck he's doing, "Wait... how do I slide the card?"

Five: Teal ~ Crew-mate; is pissed he didn't get impostor, *follows everyone*

Ben: somehow is all the colors ~ Impostor; hacks everyone, vents like 24/7

Vanya: Dark blue ~ Impostor; gets a surge of happiness when she kills Luther- I mean someone... rarely vents, teams with Klaus, Allison, and Sissy (and Ben, but doesn't say)

Sissy: Orange ~ Crew-mate; is just present, asks for someone to kick her off because she doesn't want to wait 10 minutes to join another server

Lila: Yellow (originally wanted to be black, "Piss off, Diego") ~ Crew-mate; 

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