{Vanya} The Wedding Dress

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I've honestly had this in my head for a while so why not. 


Vanya POV

My head was buzzing. I say that in the best way possible.

My wedding with Y/N was finally coming this weekend and we were getting our stuff. I had already gotten my suit in a black plastic bag thing on the chair next to me and Y/N was in the dressing room changing into her dresses.

Honestly, she kept asking if she looked good and I continued to tell her she looked beautiful. I know I'm not supposed to know what the wedding dress looks like and stuff, but neither of us really cared.

"Are you sure, Vanya?" Y/N asked me once again.

I stood up and went to Y/N and held her hands in mine.

"Y/N, I'm 100%, completely, absolutely, positively sure you look beautiful." I replied before kissing her soft elegant hands.

My fiance smiled at me and looked at my suit. Suddenly she made a face like she had an idea.

"Wait, your suit has a tie right?" Y/N asked, pointing to the black bag.

"Yeah... why?" I answered.

"Could you give me it for a sec? By 'it' I mean the tie." Y/N asked.

"Uh, sure, I guess." I replied.

Walking over to the chairs where I was recently sitting at, I wondered what Y/N's idea was.

I unzipped the bag and got the black tie from the bag and tossed it at Y/N who caught it.

"Thanks, babe!" She chirped and went back into the dressing room.

I stared at the closed door quizzically and continued waiting for my bride-to-be to be done.

- A couple minutes later -

Y/N stepped out the door.

She looked beautiful.

She was wearing a black and white dress and the black tie from my suit was around her neck and she was... just breathtaking. I think my heart stopped when I saw her.

"I think this is my favorite." Y/N said, looking in the mirror.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and whispered into her ear, "You're gorgeous, Y/N. You always were and will always be."

My fiance turned around and kissed me for a few seconds before smiling at me and blushing intensely.

"I can't wait to marry you, Vanya Hargreeves." Y/N said.

"I can't either." I replied, before embracing her in my arms.


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