The Things You Steal From Them

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Luther: His jackets - they're so large and cozy 

Diego: His knives - you did it at first to teach him a lesson but you thought it was cute how he got pissed off so you kept doing it

Allison: Her heels - even though you suck at wearing them, when she sees you wearing it it brings a smile to her face

Klaus: His flask - You like to take a drink whenever he brings it up to spite him

Five: His blazer - it doesn't fit you, but you like the smell of his coffee obsession

Ben: His books - The books he has are entertaining and you sometimes hide the books you KNOW he still didn't read yet

Vanya: Her (one of many) sweaters - she has a whole bunch and because she tends to avoid conflict, she'd smile at you and cuddle with you

Sissy: Her cigarettes - if she gets to have secrets, you should, too... except you're kinda stealing her secrets

Lila: Her boots - her boots are so cute (much like her), you just take them for no reason

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