{Allison} The Red Carpet

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Y/H/C = your hair color, but more like if you have brown hair then it'd be brunette, blonde it'd be blonde, etc.



"Allison, are you ready?" I asked my best friend.

Allison Hargreeves and I were getting ready for the Academy Awards which she was getting nominated for best supporting actress in her newest movie.

"Almost." She replied. 

I walked into her bedroom and saw her wearing a floor length burgundy gown with diamond earrings dangling from her ears. Allison's hair was tied up, kept out of her dark brown eyes.

"Y/N, could you help me?" She asked referring to a necklace that matched her earrings. 

"Sure." Y/N agreed, walking to Allison getting the necklace. "This is so pretty, where'd you even get this?"

"May or may not have taken it from set..." Allison said smugly as she swept her hair to the front so Y/N could put the necklace on her.

"Tell me you didn't." Y/N sighed.

"Fine, I didn't." Allison rolled her eyes. 

Y/N finished putting the necklace on Allison, closing the clamp at the back and tapping her bestie's shoulder to signal she was done.

"Thanks, Y/N." Allison said, getting her black and red handbag. 

~ 30 Minutes Later ~

Lights blinded the two as they got out of a white stretch limo in the front of the Dolby Theater. 

A swarm of journalists and press crowded the two, before two big security guards led them to the red carpet where it was more private and less annoying microphones. 

"Are you two dating?" Allison overheard a spokesperson ask.

"I-" She started before being pushed into a closed off area.

"See, this is why I hate award shows." Y/N said, brushing herself off. "Too many humans I don't feel like talking too."

While Y/N was quietly cursing to herself, Allison studied the Y/H/C.

"Do I really like Y/N like that?" Allison asked internally. "I've never really liked another girl before..."

These questions raced through her head for minutes until the two friends were instructed to walk on the red carpet for photos.

There were plenty of other celebrities that Y/N had never met before.

"See, this is why I like award shows." She said starstruck. 

Allison smiles at Y/N's enthusiasm and led her down the carpet where they were immediately bombarded by flashes of bright lights. 

They put on their best smiles.

Allison knew she could never ask Y/N out if she had a feelings for her, knowing it could fully well ruin their friendship if Y/N didn't feel the same.

But the feeling of not knowing made Allison's heart ache.

"Hey, we need to talk after this." Allison whispered to Y/N, not wanting to draw attention to their conversation.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, 100%" Allison replied.

After a few minutes of constant cheesing and posing, they finally made their way backstage. Stars were everywhere so Allison brought her into a nearby dressing room.

"What's up, Allie?" Y/N asked.

Allison didn't know exactly what to say so she blurted out, "If I asked you out, would you say 'yes'?" 

"Yeah. I guess I would." Y/N replied without giving a second thought.

She then left the dressing room, leaving Allison in her thoughts.



.____. my PSSA's are coming up and im so fucking pissed cuz my stupid school didnt even teach us shit like wtf and they- UGH

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