When You're On Your Period

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What each TUA bae does when you're on your period - 


- Is very confused, and I mean very

- "Wait, what?" "I didn't know those were tampons!" "So it happens every month?" "Does it happen for the rest of your life?"

- Because of your mood swings, he starts to have mood swings and you become his therapist *again*

- "Y/N, daD sENt mE to THe moOn!" "I know, big man." "thE moON!"


- Runs to the store to get you the shit you want/need

- "But, I just got you tacos!" "Yea, that was 10 minutes ago, now I want CHICKEN!" "FINE!"

- Curses about it afterwards, but still loves you and knows it's not your fault


- Obviously, she knows what you're going through so she can sympathize

- She knows what you want before you know what you want it, it's creepy AF though

- "Babe, can you-"  *hands you a thing of chocolate* "Here." "I-"

- She snuggles you when you're angry and it calms you down


- He's 100% sober because he loves you more than booze 

- You: - Booze: _ compare the two lines, idk if it makes sense

- "Wait, you're bleeding? Just use a band-aid." "Well, a pad is kinda like a band-aid, I guess" "And it doesn't stop?" "Nope." "WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF--"


- Is happier when you crave for coffee

- "Babe, could you get me-" "Coffee?" "No, chocolate." "Oh. Okay."

- When your pissed, he's pissed

- "Aw, shit, the cramps!" "WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT ARE CRAMPS!?" "MY LEGS ARE KILLING ME!" "WANT ME TO KILL THEM BACK??" "NO!"  *incoherent swearing*


- Has an inkling bout what's going on, but doesn't exactly know what to do

- "There are different sizes?"


- Your periods probably synch up so you both are grumpy af

- The two of you regularly call Allison for shit

- "Allison?" "Allison?" "ALLISON!" "Allison's not here, Vanya." "ALLISON!"


- She cares for you obviously and gets the things you need

- Harlan helps by drawing you pictures and playing board games with you

- When she's not busy doing work and stuff, she'll snuggle in bed next to you and let you sleep with her *again*


- She's pissed because now you can't carry out the kill orders given by the Commission

- "But, it's early!" "No, it's not." "Yes, it is!" "I'm sorry, who's the one on the period and is constant pain, right now?" "You are..." "Exactly."

- You miss her a lot when she's on a mission, but she tends to come back with shitloads of Taco Bell, McDonalds, Burger King, Chipotle, and whatever else you tend to crave for

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