Unpopular Vanya Opinion

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My Unpopular Opinion About Vanya Hargeeves:

She isn't a lesbian. 


Because when she dated Leonard (ew) she was considered straight and still had a preferences for guys, but when she lost her memory, she had a preference for girls, but you have to keep in mind that she still dated a guy and actually liked him.

Just because she lost her memory and dated a girl doesn't mean she's an actual 100% lesbian. 

I want her to be pansexual, but it's not like I can change anything so yeah. 

Also, it's not like I don't want her to be lesbian, I just wanted to point this out and if she is lesbian... THEN DATE ME VANYA

Comment what you think of my opinion, I like reading comments whether they disagree or agree with what I say :)

I made this btw, hope you like it.

I made this btw, hope you like it

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