Date Scenes II

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- - - The Scenes For Each Date (from the previous chapter) - - -

Luther: Hiking trail + a surprise


Your POV

This morning Luther surprised. He texted me telling me he was gonna take me somewhere on a date. He wouldn't tell me where, though. All he really said was to bring sneakers, and so I did. I heard a car beep their horn.


I got my Nikes and ran out the door, hopping into the front seat of Luther's car. 

"Hey, big dude." I said, strapping in my seat belt.

"Hey, Y/N. You ready?" He asked.

"Considering that you didn't tell me where you're taking me, I guess I am." I stated, smiling at him.

He smiled back and pulled out the apartment's parking lot.

(A/N I dunno my obsession with putting apartment parking lots in my imagines, hmm)

"Close your eyes." Luther said, guiding me out of the car. 

When my eyes were open whilst he was driving, we were surrounded by trees, waters, and wildlife. As I stepped out, holding Luther's hand as support, I could feel the nice warm breeze against my skin. 

I took a deep breath in. Fresh air.

Luther kept guiding me, one hand holding mine and the other covering my eyes.

We kept walking a little until Luther stopped and I heard some rustling.

"I swear to God, Luther Hargreeves, if there's a bear about to attack me right now, I will drop-kick his ass and then drop-kick yours, too." I snapped.

Luther laughed, "You can open your eyes now, Y/N."

I slowly opened my eyes and noticed Luther was holding a small white box in his hands.

"Here." He said handing me the box.

I opened it tentatively and a small bunny was eating some grass in the corner of the box. 

"Oh my God! Luther! You didn't!" I cried.

I've always wanted a bunny.

I named it Snowflake and cradled it while Luther and I walked along the dirt track, admiring the leaves and the ocean.


Diego: Laser tag


Your POV

"Hey, baby." Diego said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Hey, knife boy." I smiled, knowing how much he hated it when I called him that. Not because of the knife, because I called him a boy.

"I'm not a boy, Y/N. I keep telling you that." He said, his words somewhat muffled as he talked into my shoulder.

"You're not acting like one now." I pointed out before taking a sip of tea.

He rolled his eyes and got my jacket.

"Put it on, I got a surprise for you." He said, putting it on the table and getting his.

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