Group Chat #1

269 4 17

Context: Klaus woke up...

Featuring: All the Hargreeves children (even Ben!), but not Sissy or Lila...


kingklaus: hi sunshine, the earth says HELLO!!

<< Allicat and Vee has joined the chat >>

allicat: what?

vee: its a willy wonka thing...

allicat: oh.

<< KnifeBoy has joined the chat >>

knifeboy: what do u want klaus

knifeboy: and who the fuck changed my name??

<< beNNy has joined the chat >>

benny: idk

knifeboy: ur lucky ur a ghost ben

<< MonKeyMaN has joined the chat >>

monkeyman: guys its literally 2 in the morning

knifeboy: no shit sherlock

<< Numero-Cinco has joined the chat >>

numero-cinco: ugh this family.

allicat: great introduction five *eyeroll*

numero-cinco: thx allison, now wtf do you want klaus

kingklaus: i want mcdonalds

monkeyman: really klaus

kingklaus: uh yeah

knifeboy: well im not getting you shit

>> KnifeBoy has left the chat <<

vee: that was mean...

kingklaus: nah its fine v, he's just being his dorky self

kingklaus: i still wan mcdonalds tho

allicat: actually... i do too

monkeyman: then lets get mcdonalds

vee, allicat, kingklaus: yay!

numero-cinco: ugh you guys are so immature

>> Numero-Cinco has left the chat <<

>> KingKlauS, Allicat, MonKeY MaN, and Vee has left the chat <<

Benny: i-





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