Chapter Two

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Nathan's POV

*two years ago*

I was deep in thought thinking that I can not let my anger control me I refuse to let this man ruin my reputation he was going to get what was coming to him, that's a promise.

I must've been zoned out in thought because the minute I focused I realized I was at Rachel's Beauty Inc there were about 30 of my men and Xander's car was also parked in the parking lot.

I reached over to the passengers seat and picked my personal gun and checked it then put it in the back of my dress pants.

As I stepped out of the car I'm met with Xander " Nate I don't know if you've notice but this is your wife's office...why are we here?" he asked "because her good for nothing employee fucking kidnapped my child!!" I exclaim "okay, okay but look you have to calm down alright think with a clear head..." he said holding my shoulder and looking at me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath then spoke "okay". I turned to my men and spoke to get there attention "listen up here...this fucker touch my child and I want him dead or fucking alive... I want this building closed off and I mean every exit until I find him" "yes boss!" they all said in union.

They spilt and went in different directions. I was about to walk in through the entrance when Xander stopped me I turned to look at him my brows joined in confused.

"Isn't that your wife's car" he said pointing to the red Mercedes in the parking lot "Yes it is" I said with confusion plain on my face... what if that fucker kidnapped my son and wife and is holding them hostage... I ran to the elevator as quickly as possible and waited impatiently to reach the top floor.

When the elevator dinged open, I rushed out and went down the hall to where my wife's office was.

The closer I got the more I could hear. Is that moaning? I questioned my inner self.... I was at the door and it was all loud and clear that the noises was of sex. I flung the door open and I'm confident it had broken from it's impact to the wall.

I was frozen in place, unable to move; all my guards fell at this moment I was speechless...How could she?... My wife was laying on her desk, with that fucking dimwit balls deep inside her while she was clawing at his back like an animal. I didn't think twice before I picked a chair from in front her desk and swing it at his head and he went unconscious from the impact while she look frightened. I fist her hair and drag her from the desk to the ground as she screamed and once she was flat on her back I punched her right in the temple and she was out like a light.

I was so hurt I felt used and betrayed and all I wanted to do was cry...I fell to my knees but there was no tears, while gasping for air I hear foot steps coming closer to me. Xander sunk to my level and hugged me while speaking random shit I couldn't understand but I know he's just trying to get me serene. I was sad and broken all I ever did was be a good husband and tried my best to be a good person but I failed I got walk on for the sole purpose of being in love.

"why did she do this to me Xander?" I asked "'s okay" he said trying to console me "I failed Xander I failed at being a husband a son a father I'm such a disappointment to my families name" I sigh. He pushed back and grab my face so that I would look at him "listen here...I will not stay here while you talk shit about yourself you hear me? Shut the fuck up and get yourself together man, you're stronger than this and you can't let her break you... I'm sure Zaiden knows that you're a good father okay? So stop sluking and feeling sorry for yourself" he said firmly "Xander look I don't know where my child is...what if they did something to him? It will be my fault wouldn't it" I tried to control myself to speak "okay since that's the problem we'll fix it and I'm sure my little guy is okay yeah?" he questioned and I just nod so he spoke "were going to find him but not with you like this" he he says firmly "get your self together, if you're gonna stay like this then we won't get anything done you need to think straight " he says nodding "yeah? That's something you can't do" I say and we both laugh a bit. He stood up then reach his hand out to me and I took it so he could pull me up.

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