Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Nathan's POV

Anger, that was all I felt who would've thought little innocent Alianna would be going around having sex not with one person but multiple. What the fuck should I even think of her right now.

I confessed my love to her I would do absolutely anything for her and she knows this, what was her reason for betraying me? What was her reason for cheating?

You know what I'll just ask her. I really wanna know what I did wrong everyone always ends up cheating even when I'm faithful to them and I wanna know why.

I stood from my chair walking out of my office about heading to the room to confront her before the door bell rings. I went down stairs to see who was at the door and as I opened it I was greeted with Xander standing there looking happy as usual.

"nate...hey man" he says bro hugging me "what do you want man?" I asked already getting annoyed by him, don't get me wrong I love my best friend but I'm honestly not in the mood. "whatever, I went to your office and you weren't there so I thought I'd come check on you because you never not go to work especially on a monday " he says looking at me all serious now. "well I had to, come on" I told him walking to the stairs with him trailing behind me "what's going on man you seems stressed " he says as I opened the door to my bedroom. The pictures was on the ground and Alianna was no where in sight.

"where is she?" I asked out loud walking to the bathroom. I open the door and she wasn't inside so I walked back out into the room. Xander was standing there looking at the pictures before looking at me.

"what is this?" he asked referring to the photos in his hands "I think that says it all" I told him being obvious. "and where did you get these?" he asked once more. "someone left it at the office, why are asking so much questions right now and where the fuck is she?" I say almost shouting.

"look calm down okay I'm trying to figure something out, because I know your stupid ass did something wrong, you don't do shit right when you're angry" he says and I looked at him confused before I sighed "fine." I said breathing out.

"now do you know who sent them?" he asked "no brandon said it didn't come with and address so that means there's no name or anything " I told him trying to calm down.

"do you think these are real or is someone trying to frame her and get between you two?" he asks raising his eyebrows at me "obviously there fucking real Xander what the fuck are you trying to say?" I asks as anger follows through me "listen Nate this could be photoshopped people can do that, give me a minute let me get jake over here" he says grabbing his phone and walking out.

I walked out as Xander was about entering making me stop, "he's close by he'll be here in 2" he says and I gave him a nod. I walked out and to Zaiden's room slowly opening the door to see him asleep but Alianna wasn't there either, maybe she's in the kitchen or the garden...I thought walking down stairs with Xander following behind me.

As I reach the bottom of the stairs the door bell rings once more so I went there instead. I opened the door to reveal Jake, "good day sir" he says greeting me and I gave him a nod as I didn't feel like speaking.

I stepped out of the way opening the door wider for him to come in and he did immediately greeting Xander.

We all walked to the living room with Jake getting his stuff out and Xander handing him the pictures. He got his gadget thingy set up on the coffee table placing the photo on something that looked like a printer. It scanned the pictures and a minute after he turns the laptop to me and the pictures of a different girl was on the screen but it looked exactly like the one with Alianna in it making me pull my brows together in confusion.

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