Chapter Twenty-Three

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Alianna's POV

I was pressed up against the wall with both my hands held above me by one of Nathan's while he uses the other to trace a pattern down my face "you wanna know something baby" he says slowly making me bite my lip to suppress a moan. "you're mine and mine only, the sooner you learn the better" he told me lifting my face so that I would look at him and once I did I noticed his eyes were almost black, clouded with lust. I was about to speak before he crashed his lips onto mine.

His tongue pushed into my mouth eagerly exploring as he release my hands and I placed them around his neck, running my fingers through his smooth silk like hair pulling at it gently. He placed his hand under my tights pulling me up so I wrapped my legs around his waist and he walked us over to the bed as he started attacking my soft spot making me moan softly.

He sat on the bed with me now straddling him making him moan into my neck. He moved back upwards until his lips were on mine once more making me push down more on his now hard bulge making him moan into my mouth while snaking his hands around my waist stopping at my ass and giving it a firm squeeze.

He removed my shoes and started to trace small circles up my spine making me shiver before he broke the kiss with a sigh and I looked at him confused.

"what's wrong?" I asked with my voice hoarse "if we continue I won't be able to control myse-" he was saying before "please Nathan it's fine" I told him lustfully running my fingers down his shirtless tone abs.

"Alianna..." he says making my stomach curl in anticipation "Nathan..." I said mockingly "I'm ready, I want you... p-please" I told him seductively before connecting my lips with his once more.

He switched our positions so I was now laying on my back with him hovering over me. He started kissing down my jaw line and down to my neck then soon my shoulders all while rubbing his hand up and down the sides of my dress.

I reached for him but he grabbed my hands placing them above my head before speaking "tonight is all about you love, let me do the work" he says before ripping my dress down the middle making me gasp "Nathan...!" I exclaimed looking at him and he smirked at me "now no one will every see you like that again" he says and I blinked up at him seeing the dominant aura rolled off him and washing over me literally. Making me arch upward to him asking for any type of friction.

He pulled what was left of my dress off and was just starting at me making me blush, before he leaned closer to my face once more "you're so beautiful" he whispered taking my hair out of it's place in a ponytail and wrapping it around his finger while kissing all over my face in short sweet kisses.

He moved so he was now between my legs, while he continues his slow kisses on my neck and down to my collarbone which I'm sure there's a lot of love bits by now.

He snakes his hand around my lower back making me arch into him pressing my body against his letting small moans slip from my lips.

He unpinned my bra and throw it somewhere across the room and started trailing slow kisses down my sternum.

"Nathan..." I moaned out and he gripped my sides "patience love" he says, his voice now deep and husky making me wrap my legs around his waist to get more attention where I most needed it.

I was getting so frustrated with his teasing and thankfully he decided to take me from my misery. He held both my wrist above my head, his tongue now making small circles on one of my nipples making my stomach flutters intensely as low moans escapes me from the sensation.

He released one of his hands from mine and went to my other breast rolling and pinching at my harden nipple while his mouth licked and bite at the other.

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