Chapter Forty

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Nathan's POV

I woke up the next morning and today was a Saturday thank god. Alianna was still sleeping on top of me and I honestly had no idea how we slept like that. I looked to my side at the clock to see it was now 9:15 and I should get up and get ready for my day so I carefully got Alianna off me and she sighed.

I quietly stood from the bed walking forward to the bathroom, I Did my business before getting into the shower and right away started washing my hair. Sometime after I was rinsing the shampoo from my hair I felt her hands slowly going down my abs. "let me help you" she says her voice smooth and I removed my hands from my hair and allowed her to do it.

After our shower we both got dressed, me in a Calvin Klein sweat suit and a plain black t-shirt while Alianna got jeans and a Levi's hoodie that was the same color as my suit.

We walked hand in hand down stairs and to the kitchen where Zaiden and Garcia was, "good morning baby" she says kissing his head "gu morning mommy" he says smiling as she took her seat "hey buddy " I say ruffling his hair gaining a glare from Alia...

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We walked hand in hand down stairs and to the kitchen where Zaiden and Garcia was, "good morning baby" she says kissing his head "gu morning mommy" he says smiling as she took her seat "hey buddy " I say ruffling his hair gaining a glare from Alianna "hi dada" he says happily as Garcia served our breakfast which is blueberry waffles and scrambled eggs.

After breakfast Alianna and Zaiden headed to our bedroom while I went to my office. Today would hopefully not be stressful as I got most of the work done yesterday. I only had to be at a conference meeting with a company ceo from france at 1pm so for now I would just read and sign whatever business deals I see fit from other companies based in different parts of America.

It was now 11:05 and I was bored, frustrated with dealing with Brandon and all these people. At this point I just wanted to not pick up when he calls but I know I have to. Signing the next document after the ceo agreed on me taking 60% of his business as collateral For 10 million.

The phone on my desk rang for the millionth time today and I picked it up "Vanghn speaking " I said already annoyed "sir, the owner of the mirror cafe in Colorado wants a deal on the place she is willing to give us 85% shares on collateral for 20 million dollars" he says all cheerful as usual, "okay let her know I'll get to her on monday, and in the mean time I need a background check on the business everything included yeah?" I told him firmly "of course sir" he says before I ended the call with a sigh.

In all honesty I loved my work I know persons would rather not give up that much of their business but most times they are desperate and won't turn down money. So it's like an exchange I give them money for a portion of their business win win except it's not because most of them usually can't pay me back and whatever shares they have usually cost less than he money they are supposed to pay, which most time is more than what the business cost so I'd end up just taking the business completely and most times I'd just allow them to work for me or they could go bankrupted.

After another hour of me signing papers and answering the phone when Brandon called, I answered the last time to him informing me that the meeting was in 5 minutes. I finished up on the file I was looking through and putting it away getting ready for the meeting.

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