Chapter Forty-Four

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Nathan's POV

"hi baby.... I'm so stressed I just want everything to be perfect " she says hugging me and I comfort her by stroking her pretty silk like long hair. "It's okay love you've been at this forever I'm sure everything will be fine" I say trying to reassure her.

Tomorrow is our wedding and right now we were at the reception hall. Alianna wanted a darker gold from what they had got for the tables and apparently it got her upset that they used a different gold so they're changing them to her liking. Right now I'd do the same she would literally blow up at anyone who tries otherwise, Which is the reason I'm her because my baby needs my comfort.

"uhg...I just want to go home and rest already" she says into my chest "why don't you let Alex deal with this I'm sure he knows what exactly you want to be done" I state and she looks at me like I was a crazy person making me throw my hands up to surrender.

"whatever... I don't want Alex to do it he might go over board and I don't want no screw ups" she says and I nod. "hey!!...I need that table to be over there since there's a door there" she says ordering the many people around making me smirk because honestly I kinda like her being all bossy.

"what time is it?" she asks and I looked at my watch "12 pm" I told her shortly "oh shit shit shit" she say hurriedly getting her phone "what's wrong love?" I ask as she look like she was having a panic attack. "Alianna... Baby relax " I told her taking the phone from her hands and holding her face so she would look "what's the problem?" I ask once more "Haley will arrive soon I was supposed to pick her up from the air port" she says sulking.

"there's no need for you to stress my love I'll have George go okay you stop bothering yourself now" I tell her getting my phone and giving George a call informing him on what to do. "Alex please let them get the fairy light up that's the last thing" she shouts at Alex who nods from the other side of the room.

She was stressed and I could tell that she was overwhelmed, I have no idea why she was bothering herself she could've just have that color stay instead of changing it because both of them were gold. But I wasn't stupid enough to tell her that I wanted to live to get married to my beautiful queen tomorrow so I kept my thoughts to myself.

"hey... Come with me" I say standing and letting her down from my lap walking over to the middle of the dance floor with her following behind me. "what are you doing" she ask flustered as I pulled her into my chest and started to sway us slowly "trying to get your mind off things" I say and she smiled up at me cutely and I kiss her pout lips looking into her eyes.

"you're so adorable " I tell her squeezing her cheek slightly "I'm not a baby" she says slapping my hand causing me to pout at her "we can make one though " I say making her go red in seconds. She buried her face into my chest and I just craddle her close to me.

"what are you guys planning on doing for your last night?" I ask trying to be nosy. "oh yeah, we're going to a night club Alex says he knows the best on-" she was saying excitedly but I cut her off "you will do no such thing" I say as a serge of jealousy wash over me literally.

"but baby why?... I won't get drunk I promise you know I don't drink that much" she says looking up at me with puppy dog eyes but I won't give in, not this time. "you will not go to a club, there's gonna be men there what if someone tries something?" I ask as all possibilities ran through my head rapidly.

What if someone looks at her inappropriately?

What if they touches her?

What if someone drugs her and kidnaps her?

What if she does get drunk and does something stupid?

Don't get me wrong I do trust her, but I don't trust men and I would kill anyone who lays a hand on her just like I did her good for nothing ex and my ex wife, yes i get it blah blah blah, I didn't actually kill her I didn't have the courage she was someone I once loved and she's the biological mother of my child so I thought it would've been wrong of me, but you know who has the courage? All the men at the base I let them have their way with her then have Sergio do the dirty work but whatever that was besides the point....

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