Chapter Eighteen

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Alianna's POV

*a month later*

Today was the day of that ball that Nathan had invited me to a month back. It all got postponed due to one of the most important person who was supposed to attend, his flight got canceled so he couldn't make it so it was set for today's date.

I went shopping for everything that I needed yesterday along with Zaiden and Alex, those two have gotten impossibly close over this short period of time.

There has been so much going on, Nathan and I are actually getting along very well we've gotten so close to each other it's abnormal. He's so protective and annoying and even though I've not confessed my feelings toward him I really do think I'm in love with him.

I'm in love with his whole being, his mind his heart...soul and definitely his body I mean who wouldn't be, the man is literally walking perfection.

It was a Saturday so Nathan was working from home today and Alex and Xander was also here we were all getting ready here for the ball and I was so excited that Alex would be there at lease someone to talk to while Nathan did whatever business he has.

Nathan and Xander was upstairs in his office while Alex, Zaiden and I were in the big ass garden planting more flowers. I really like red roses and there weren't any so I decided to just plant some because why not.

After a solid two hours of working we got tired and was just laying on the perfect green grass in the center of the garden, it was so wholesome and beautiful out today it was absolutely gorgeous. I was laying down with Zaiden on the left side of me and Alex beside him.

The still quietness was getting overwhelming so I decided to interrogate my best friend and be annoying for a while so I turned towards him.

"so how are things with you and Xander?" I asked looking at him as his cheeks went full on red with blush "well actually... He asked me to move in with him" he say giving me a grimancing face "isn't that a good thing?" I ask confused "I mean yes, but don't you think that's moving a bit too fast?" he question "I think that if you two want it to work it will, but if you need time to think it through then don't rush yeah?" I ask and he nods with a smile and I returned one before Zaiden shouted "mommy, uncle Alex look" he said eagerly pointing up to the sky, "why is the star moving mommy?" he asks looking at me "that's not a star baby it's an airplane" I told him "just like mine?" he asks "yes but that one is much bigger, and it can carry a lot of people" I say looking up. I haven't been on a airplane since I moved here I mean how could I, the only thing I did once I got here was work and tried to servive, it's crazy how things change over time I honestly thought I would be in such a situation forever.

"Zaiden wanna see airpwane" he says sweetly "sure thing bubby... how about we go sometime?" Nathan says and I sit up from the ground to see him and Xander standing there, I didn't even notice them "yay!!" Zaiden exclaim running around and both me and Alex stood from the floor.

Nathan walked forward towards me he was just about to hug me before I stepped back, "what are you doing? I have dirt all over me" I say to him quickly "so should that stop me from holding you love?" he asks raising his brow at me " no but your wearing white" I told him softly making and excuse "come here" he says demandingly and I swallowed awkwardly before walking forward. Once I was directly in front of him he embrace me in a warm and gently hug.

"I like what you've done with the place" he said softly before kissing my head "thank you" I told him sincerely "it's already 5:30 we should go have dinner" he says and I smiled at him before he kissed me and I started to blush from the 'awes' coming from Xander and Alex as we parted and I looked down shyly.

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