Chapter Forty-Five

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Alianna's POV

This is it, today's the say I was nervous is an understatement I was dying inside to be honest the wedding was in four hours and I couldn't see Nathan. I wanted to hug him so badly maybe that would help with my nerves but I couldn't because I didn't want to break tradition god help me cause a girl don't want bad luck.

I've been up since 5am this morning I only got just about 6 hours of sleep since Alex and Haley was determined for me to stay up. They were both drinking but for me I didn't want a hang over on my wedding so I didn't.

We literally slept in the living room on the couch because they were drinking and I was enjoying my bowl of fruits and my movie. While they were busy talking about Haley's new found hobbie which was her boyfriend, like seriously why would she feel comfortable talking about her sex life with her older sister and her gay best friend.

I absolutely love and trust Alex with everything even my life if you could say but to tell him about me and Nathan's private life I could never. that's just weird and uncomfortable I would feel so embarrassed I would probably die from that.

"babe come on you need to eat, you don't want me to tell Nathan that you don't wanna get married do you?" Alex asks seriously "you wouldn't dear" I say looking at him as he gets his phone calling someone but I snort at him not believing he would actually do it not until I heard the familiar voice came from his phone.

"Alex?" he ask sounding confused "look buddy sorry to say but Alianna says-" and I literally launch my body at him "what the fuck Alex?" I ask and he waves the phone at me "fine I'll eat " I told him rolling my eyes "well bye see ya later" he says through the phone and hangs up before Nathan said anything.

I got off him and stood walking to the table lazily. I sat with a sigh as I really didn't want to eat I felt as if I did I was gonna vomit but I have no other choice now do I? Exactly.

I got a small amount of eggs on my plate and just a slice of toast with orange juice. "You look like shit" Alex says as Haley walks in the dinning room and took a seat at the table holding her head "I have no idea how you're still alive I honestly don't feel any better than that" she says weakly and I had to laugh.

Alex is a rebel this boy will drink for hours on end and act like nothing happened, which is one of the reasons why I don't drink because I could never. "here drink this" he says giving Haley some type of liquid but I didn't pay attention to them I was trying not to suffocate from eating. "eat up now" he says as the door bell rang "I'll get it!" I say and hurriedly got up from the table running to the door saved by the bell and away from Alex.

I got to the door and open it and shock immediately took me over making my jaws drop. "mom dad?" I whispered in disbelief "hi my sweet girl can we talk?" she ask and I nod hesitantly opening the door wider for them to come in they were my parents after all and I wasn't gonna be disrespectful without a cause. Alex and Haley was now behind me Haley looked just as surprised as I was which tells me she didn't know about their visit.

I look to her and she shrugged while I let my parents go to the living room. I was completely and utterly confused about what they were doing here? and why did they choose to come here today of all days?

"go on" I say for them to speak after we took our seat Haley and Alex went upstairs so it was just us. " so che potresti non perdonarmi ma..I'm sorry" my father says making me freeze immediately. (I know you might not forgive me but...I'm sorry). "So di averti offeso bambina mia, ma voglio rimediare" he says and I felt my eyes tearing up (I know I've wronged you my child but I wanna make this right).

"you might hate me but you're still my daughter and I love you even if your choices weren't to please me" he tells me reaching for my hand and I let him as my tears rolled down my cheek. "you're my eldest child and I wouldn't want to disappoint you any further so I wanna ask you...if I could do the honors of walking you down the aisle?" he asked and I could clearly see the hope and desperation in his eyes.

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