Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Alianna's POV

Blinking my eyes open to the sun light seeping through the window and a beeping sound, this all seem familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. Once my eyes open and fully adjust to the light I quickly figured I was in a hospital.

My mind was in daze, was all that a dream? I do remember fainting at work, Alex must've carried me here and he knows I can't afford to stay in this place. I tried getting up but a sharp pain ran through my head making me whimper, I tried moving my hand but I couldn't.

Sometime after with me lay there just wanting to get out of here, the door opens and in walked the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on in my entire life and he was followed by a doctor and Alex and another man.

I was in my own world just staring at this man without remorse how can one person look this good. "well we ran some tests last night and she hasn't eaten in a while so I'll have her start off on something simple fruits or some oatmeal" the doctor said...eww I would never eat oatmeal...they were all paying attention to him to realize that I was awake but I didn't make them any wiser.

"on a serious note she has suffered a concussion, she might not remember anything from maybe years I can't tell how long " he informed them "a concussion!?" both me and mister good looking ask and now everyone was staring at me like I just rose from the dead.

"oh my god baby are you okay?" the greek god rush over to me asking and I looked at him completely blank, he was looking me over while I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding just looking at him.

"A-Alex?" I asked my voice raspy and I just realized that my troat was dry "here" the doctor said coming forward with a glass of water and a straw placing it on my lips and I drink a mouth full. He stepped away and Alex was now by my side. "hey girly, how are you feeling?" he asks looking down at me sympathically "I told you to never bring me here what is all this?" I asked him looking around "mommy?" came a voice from beside me causing me to look side ways to see a cute little boy laying on the bed.

"where's his mom?" I asked looking at the god like man in front of me "uhm I- uh" he says as if not knowing what to say. "mrs. Vaughn you have been through a lot these pass few days and you have suffered a major concussion from the accident so I want you to take everything slowly alright" the doctor said looking at me.

"can you tell me the last time you remember?" he asked shining a bright ass light into my eyes. "uh I was at work and I was feeling dizzy I must've fainted. I don't know if I was dreaming or something but I woke up in a dark room and I couldn't see..." I told him feeling dazed "I'm sorry I just don't know if this all was real are not" I say once more "it's okay dear you take your time" the doctor says as the man was holding onto my hand and that honestly comforted me, I looked at him and he smiled he is so beautiful.

"I remember there was three person a man, woman and a boy his name was Brent, uhh the man was his dad his name was Julian but I don't recall hearing the woman's name" I told them stopping to take a breath while they kept quiet "they would always take pictures of me and she would always ask me why did he chose me" I told them thinking back to everything that happened.

"she wanted me to call this person and ask for money and every time I refused she would hit me" I say getting a tad bit too emotional. " They had two men tied me to a bed and he... He had his son video what he was doing to me" I told them finally letting my tears run free. "It's okay love" the man said wipping my tears and rubbing his finger over my hand gently "did he uhm... did he rape you?" he asks and I looked at him confused "no he tried but I wouldn't let him I always try fighting him off me and he would always beat me unconscious " I told them crying.

"it's all okay baby your safe now" he told me and I still couldn't wrap my head around all this. "daddy?" the little guy from beside me said once more and the man stood walking to him.

"I go to mommy" he said crying so he picked him up walking back over to me "mommy I lay down with you?" he asks rubbing his eyes with his tiny hands and I was confused as hell right now.

"I have a child?" I asked looking at Alex and he nod as I looked back to the little guy reaching my hands out for him and the man laid him down beside me. "mommy won't cry" he says and I smiled at him "I won't cry baby" I told him.

"okay why don't we introduce ourselves for a start?" the doctor asks looking at everyone and they nod "well I'm your husband, that's your best friend and that's his boyfriend Xander which is also my best friend and this is our son Zaiden " Mr. Handsome says happily "well should I call you husband then?...wait what I'm married?" I asked out loud shocked "no you're not Nathan always be telling people that" Alex says "whatever...she likes when I say that we are" Nathan I guess is name is says "no she doesn't " Alex says mocking him and he rolled his eyes at him making me smile at their childish behavior.

"alrighty...since that is over I have one more thing " the doctor says looking at Nathan and he nods for him to speak "I would like to see her get her memories back and for that to happen she has to be somewhere familiar, I would suggest she goes home we can have a nurse arranged to come check up on her twice per day if that's okay with" he says "of course-" Nathan was saying before I cut him "no no that won't be necessary I'm sure that's very expensive " I told him ready to decline "babe, your 'husband' is kinda rich" Alex said getting my attention "but it's not neces-" I was trying "it's fine, do what you need to" Nathan told him and he walked out with a nod "why did you do that?" I ask pouting at him and he smiled at me "it's not funny you know" I told him trying to be mad in one peace "you always get mad at me for spending money which I have no idea why" he says still smiling making me blush.

"okay she should be ready to go in a bit I just need you to sign some papers" the doctor said upon entering the room. "sure thing" Nathan said standing and kissing my head which made me froze into place "oh I'm sorry you must not be-" he tried apologizing "i-its okay" I told him letting out a heavy breath as he smiled and walked out.

"do anyone care to tell me what happened?" I asked looking at Alex and his boyfriend "uhm you both met in an accident on your way home from Nathan's office four days ago and you two got kidnapped " Xander spoke for the first time.

"Why? What did those people even want from me?" I ask curiously " to get to Nathan, as Alex said before he's very wealthy" Xander said and everything suddenly made sense " that's the reason they wanted me to ask for money, like some sort of ransom" I said disgust plastered on my face."okay you ready to go?" Nathan asks walking in and I nod at him hesitantly.

"Alex you take Zaiden please " Nathan told him and he did immediately picking him from my arms as he was sleeping. " I'm gonna carry you to the car okay, Xander you will have to lift these things since they can't be detach" he said once more looking at us.

He careful picked me up walking out with Xander and Alex behind him, and out the door meeting the doctor. "the nurse will be over at 2pm I'll give her the medication that she'll need and the list" he says looking at Nathan and he nods "Alright thank you" Nathan told him walking out. He walks us out the door and into the boiling sun walking forward to a black car which I guess was his.

Xander opened the door and Nathan gently set me down which I was thankful for. He got the things in beside me and closed the door walking around to the drivers side getting in, while Xander Alex and Zaiden got into another car, and soon we were on the way home.



Here's a short one for yah our girl is going through a bit now, but I know she'll be fine or not😊

Hope you enjoyed💛💛

Love you my butterflies🦋😇


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