Chapter Eleven

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Nathan's POV

I was laying on my bed just staring at the ceiling it was almost 7:00am so I decided to just relax for a while. A knock came from my door and I got out of bed and walked to it lazily, I opened the door to reveal Garcia standing there with a bright smile on her slightly wrinkled face. "good morning sir" she greeted and I simply nodded "this is the stuff you asked for" she spoke and gave me two shopping bags and I took them "thank you" I said plainly then close the door after she gave me another smile with a nod.

But then I opened the door once more and called after her and she turned around and walked back to me, "is everything alright sir?" she asked looking concerned "no no everything is fine...could you prepare some chocolate chip waffles and scrambled eggs for breakfast please?" I asked and she smiles once again and nodded Garcia has been around me for most of my life she even thought me how to cook and in all honesty I'm very grateful to have her in my life, and even though I might act tough with her most times I believe she knows that I love her "of course" she says and walks away.

I decided to go get in the shower and have a nice cold one to start the day I stripped from my clothes and throw them into the hamper and stepped in the shower, I washed my hair then my body, I turn the shower off and stepped out I got to brushing my teeth and then shortly after that I styled my hair and walked out of the bathroom and to my closet I got a black t-shirt, black jeans that was ripped at the knee, black ankle shoes and also a black coat... All black seems fun to wear into public I think it makes me more intimidating and I adore that.

I got dressed and grab the bags that Garcia brought to see what she got,it was a sweater like top which was a dark shade of brown and white white a blue ripped skinny jeans and white shoes

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I got dressed and grab the bags that Garcia brought to see what she got,it was a sweater like top which was a dark shade of brown and white white a blue ripped skinny jeans and white shoes... I bet she's gonna look hot in these... I thought, anyways I pick the bags and went to her room as it was now 7:40 and I'm sure she's up.

 I thought, anyways I pick the bags and went to her room as it was now 7:40 and I'm sure she's up

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I knocked on the door twice then it open she looked up at me sadly and I stared at her blankly. "Nathan I-" she tried but I stopped her "this is for you..." I said pushing the bags forward and she took them "get ready and get Zaiden up for breakfast please " I said "uhm okay" she spoke as I walked away.

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