Chapter Thrity- Three

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Nathan's POV

I don't understand any of what's going on to be honest. These stupid good for nothing police hasn't even got a trace on her neither does Jake or Sergio and I know now that this all isn't an accident. I know I have lots of enemies but why would someone kidnap them this all is just too much at once.

It's been over a day, George is still unconscious in the hospital, Alianna and Zaiden is no where to be found and I'm fucking losing my mind. What if they're dead or someone did this for money, but no one hasn't call asking for anything which makes me so confused.

I know I need to be calm right now but how can I? They're gone and she's the only person that keeps me grounded and someone took them away from me. And the more I process that the more angry I get, and when I lay my hands on whoever did this I am going to ruin them completely I swear I'll make them regret it.

"hey man... Why don't you come get something to eat?" Xander asks from behind me so I turned to look at him and I'm sure by now I have dark spots under my eyes. "I'm not hungry, I'll just have some coffee" I told him turning back around to look through the window.

It's like a storm out there, the rain is so calm and peaceful and I just stood there watching every drop race down the window carelessly. Why can't life be like that free and enjoyable? No someone has to ruin it. what have they even done to deserve all of this huh... She has been nothing but a great person and this is what she gets, this is all my fault I should've never let her go home alone I should've went along, now look where this has landed them I don't even know where they are or the first place to look. They both could be bleeding out somewhere or already dead all because of me and my stupidity.

How will I forgive myself if something happens to them, I can't do that they're all I've got and someone took that away, just like mom and dad. Why would someone take them they have done no wrong to this world but they were still harmed and obviously it was all bad intentions.

Where do I even go from here, what do I do without her. This whole situation is so shitty and it's making me so frustrated and stressed I don't know how much longer I can go without loosing my patience.

"sir the hospital called, George is awake" Jake said and I wasted no time in telling everyone that we're heading there in that minute. Xander and Alex decided to stay back since Alex was still crying and he didn't feel well so Jake, Sergio, Kyle and I rushed out and soon was on the way to the hospital.

After less than 20 minutes we were at the hospital and the rain hasn't stop since so we hurriedly rush and went straight a head to the reception area.

"good afternoon sir how may I help you" a cheerful brown eyed girl asks "uhm...could you direct me to George Allen's room please? " I question and she smiles before answering "room 23, fifth door down the hall to your left" she says and I wasted no time in following her directions with the others behind me.

I got to the room with the number 23 over it and silently knocked before a woman's voice can through saying "come in" and I pushed it open to see George laying on the bed and a woman next to him in a chair.

I slowly walked in greeting her with a smile before going to stand beside George who was laying on the bed. "sir, I am s-so sorry for w-what happened I-I didn-" he was saying before I cut him off "no no it's not your fault... But you could really help me out" I told him honestly desperate.

"of course anything, what do you need?" he asks with as much eager to help. "Can you tell me what happened that night?" I asked glancing at the woman who was awefully quite but she had her head down so I looked at George waiting for him to speak. "uhm.. I remember that I was almost at your house and uhh a woman ran out into the road and I couldn't stop quickly enough so I-I uhm swerved out as to not hit her and the car hit into the tree and I guess I blocked out after that I don't remember " he said explaining.

And I nod "thank you" I told him sincerely and he nods as a knock came from the door and a doctor walked in. "good day everyone, George how are you feeling?" she asked walking to where the heart monitor was "could be better" George said with a smile "okay great, I have good and bad news" the doctor said looking at the woman who was now paying attention to her. "go a head" George told her and she nods "good news is you will be able to fully recover once you get all the medication and you need to get a lot of rest yeah?" she asks and he nods "bad news is your insurance can't cover the bill" she told him sulking.

"what why??" the woman finally speak "mrs.Allen I'm very sorry but they have declined more than once and we have no other choice" she says to the woman who I figured now is George's wife, I didn't even know he was married. "please try to do something else" she says begging.

"it's okay I'll take care of it" I told them looking at the doctor as George spoke up "sir please no we'll fin-" "George I'll take care of it" I told him with a stern tone and he nods thanking me along with his wife "very well then, come with me" the doctor said I nod at her walking out behind her.

After all the signing and payment I went to find the others and we walked out into the parking lot and to the car. Once we got in I started the car and was on the way shortly after.

"so...George said that a woman ran out on him and he was trying not to hit her, but I don't know if she did on purpose or what. There's no houses around that area so what was a woman doing there?" I asked confused " I don't know but I could check the cameras again to see if any is pointed in that direction that would see who she was " Jake said and everyone agreed "maybe she did it to get George to stop but he unfortunately couldn't so that's why the accident, I feel as if he would've stop they would've gotten kidnapped either way" Sergio said with his deep accented voice "so if we find the girl we're once step closer" Kyle spoke this time as my phone rang and I picked it up seeing it was Xander so I answered.

"Xander?" I ask "Nate! please hurry" he says hurriedly "what's going on?" I asks once more getting confused and concerned "please just get home there's something you need to see" he says "fine I'm almost there" I told him since I was some blocks away and he won't tell me what's wrong.

Once I got home we all rushed out and hurriedly got into the house where Xander called us from the living room so we went there. He was sitting on the couch and Alex was laying on his lap sleeping. I looked at him confused and he pointed to the coffee table where there was a brown envelope and I wasted no time in grabbing it. I opened it taking a glance at Xander, I pulled the papers from the envelope to see it was pictures of Alianna...what deja vu you asked ... But no there was blood every where on her and she was tied to a chair with her head hanging down as if her body was lifeless. With me just staring at the piece of paper in my hand I was lost for words, what did they do to her?



I hope y'all had some patience with me, I'm sorry for the late updates lately I'm so busy with school but that'll soon be over thank god😊

Hope you enjoyed💙

Love y'all😇🦋


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