Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Nathan's POV

I woke up getting out of bed and stretching heading toward the bathroom to get a shower to start my day. It was now 8:45am I was working from home for the time being so I could stay with Alianna and Zaiden until they were better. That didn't change the fact that this was better than going to the office and I didn't wanna work if I'm being honest, but I gotta do what I gotta do I guess.

I got in the shower washing my hair then scrubbing my body clean, I got done then dried my body and wrapping a towel around my waist. I left my hair to air dry and brush my teeth walking out to go get dressed.

I pulled the door open walking out into the room and heading to the closet "oh my god" came her voice speaking softly making me stop and looking over at her, "oh good morning baby I didn't realize you were awake" I told her smiling "uh y-you d-don't..." she stuttered looking me over making me smirk "I'll be right back" I told her walking to the closet, I got some underwear on and a white t-shirt along with a white Gucci sweat suit.

" she stuttered looking me over making me smirk "I'll be right back" I told her walking to the closet, I got some underwear on and a white t-shirt along with a white Gucci sweat suit

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I walked back into the room and she was now sitting up staring into no where. "Alianna?" I asked to get her attention and she blinked looking up at me, she was staring at me for a while making me pull my brows together confused before she spoke up "you like winter" she says with a smile that was so contagious, and I nod at her "you remember that?" I asked joy overflowing inside me, she nods "who would've thought" she says still smiling "That's what you said last time" I told her "I did?" she asks as a knock came from the door and I nod at her one last time before walking over and opening the door.

"good morning sir" I was greeted by Garcia once I opened the door "good morning " I told her before looking behind her to see a woman in nurses attire "I was sent by Dr. Roberts he says the hours are 9am and 2pm" the middle age woman says sweetly. "that's okay she's in here" I say opening the door and stepping away for her to walk in while Garcia walked away to Zaiden's room.

I closed the door behind me walking back to the bed and taking a seat beside her while the nurse did whatever check up she needed to do. After some time she got done and looked at me with a sincere smile "she could have a bath I would prefer she doesn't stand she could get dizzy and that could result in her getting hurt" she says and I nod at her before she turned back to Alianna.

"you can have some fruits during the day maybe some soup or oatme-" and she was cut off by both of us "she doesn't like oatmeal " I told her in the same time Alianna spoke up, realizing we said the same thing her head went down with her cheeks tomato red making me smile. "alright soup will do, this is your first dose it should be taken after breakfast" she says setting some pills on the bed side table "that is all for now please don't hesitate to give me a call if anything goes wrong okay I'll be back at 2" she says handing me a card and getting her stuff. "I will, Garcia will see you out" I told her walking to get the door open.

She got out and the next minute Zaiden came running towards me "daddy!!" he yells and once he was close enough I picked him up into my arms soothing his hair "you've got to be careful little guy" I told him and he nods "mommy!!" he says yelling once more and stretching his hands out to Alianna.

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