Chapter Ten

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Alianna's POV

I guess this is my life now, a nanny to a rich man's son, of course I'm not complaining I mean who would? I get to be around this sweet little guy 24/7 and get paid for it my life is great as far as I see it.

We were in Zaiden's play room and it was getting close to 5 pm so I decided to give Zaiden a bath before it was dinner time but then I decided that I wanted to talk to him about his mom.

"Zaiden?" I called and he looks up at me "come here buddy" I say and he walks over to me. I picked him up and sat him on my lap while he smiles at me and I sooth his hair "why do you call me mommy Zaiden?" I ask as I know he's a smart kid "because you're my mommy" he says his grey eyes shining "did your dad tell you that I'm your mom?" I ask and he shook his head and I hummed. I didn't know how to put this so he would understand so I just told him point blank "I'm not your real mom though, I don't know what happened-" I was saying before he hugs me "don't say that, I want you to be my mommy" he says and I rubbed his back and decided to let this go as I felt like I was hurting him and I in no way wanted to do that.

" Zaiden, daddy's almost home let's go have a bath yeah?" I tell him standing up " otay moma" he whisper from my neck with his cute little voice.

I walked out of the room with Zaiden in my arms and went to his room I helped him take his clothes off while the tub filled with water. He got in and started splashing "please don't get me wet Zaiden" I spoke " bubbles mommy" he says now all excited so I got the bubble bath solution that made the bubbles and put some in the water for him.

After about another 15 minutes of Zaiden playing in the tub I got a towel and wrapped him in it like a caterpillar in a cocoon and he stares at me with a wide smile on his face and spoke the words that made me froze in place " I love you moma" he said. I blinked multiple times before I looked at him and smile "I love you too buddy" I told him and walk back into his room I lay him on the bed and went to get him clothes from the closet which was a grey shirt and blue shorts with dinosaur prints on it.

 I blinked multiple times before I looked at him and smile "I love you too buddy" I told him and walk back into his room I lay him on the bed and went to get him clothes from the closet which was a grey shirt and blue shorts with dinosaur prints o...

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After he got dressed I lift him off the bed and went down stairs to the living room to watch cartoons. I flip through the channels until I stopped on teen titans and Zaiden spoke "mommy want cuddles?" he asked and I smiled at him and pat my lap he then climbed on and snuggled in and I wrapped my arms around him comfortingly.

I really like the feeling of this to be honest but it's still confuses me with Zaiden's mom, maybe he saw me as a mother figure as to why he would say that but I know it's not my place to ask but I would really like to know what happened to his mom. Anyways it's not like me to be in others personal life if they need me to know I'm sure Nathan will tell me sometime.

Without realizing I was lost in thought I snapped back to reality when someone stood in front of me blocking my view from the TV. I looked up and my eyes met with Nathan's dark brown ones they're so mesmerizing but mysterious at the same time, he clears his throat still looking down at me....damn you really have to stop doing that Alianna... I thought.

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