Chapter Thirty-Five

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Nathan's POV

"they keep sending these stuff what's even the point? I don't fucking know the reason they kidnapped her" I said out loud while everyone just looked at me I was looking at the pictures from earlier that Xander got.

This was such an unusual feeling I was used to her always happy and smiling, she was always ready to make someone's day I was used to waking up beside her, but now I don't even sleep. How can I even they could be hurting them for all I know.

"Nathan... Will you at least eat please? " Alex ask looking at me with puppy dog eyes making me draw my eyebrows together "that's not gonna work on me Alex besides I'm not hungry" I told him "you're lying you haven't eaten in three days" he said and I sigh not trying to argue as my phone dinged from a message which I was not up for right now I didn't have time to work my whole brain was occupied.

I grabbed my phone from the coffee table unlocked it to be greeted with a video sent by an unknown number. I looked at it curiously before playing it, there was a man with is head between her legs and she was just laying there as if she was chain to the bed looking unconscious or something completely naked. And that made me mad I was fucking furious how dear he touch her like that.

"fucking great first they kidnapped her now they're fucking touching her inappropriately, I'm gonna kill all of them" I said laughing like a maniac. "can I see?" Jake said and I looked at him like he was my worst enemy "I can maybe track the number that it was sent from" Jake said hurriedly because I swear to god if he hadn't chosen his words right I would've gotten him fucking beheaded this second.

"no you can't see I'll just tell you the number" I said telling him the number as he got his laptop from the coffee table. Some minutes after with me practically hurrying him and pacing the room he shouts "got it!!" he says and we all looked at him for him to continue "yeah right, uhm the phone is in a old house at exactly 25 north street it looks to be the fifth house on the left" he says looking happy creeping me out.

"okay, Sergio I'm gonna need you to get everyone immediately we'll meet at bH2 in an hour" I said looking at him "немедленно сэр" (Right away sir) he says getting his phone walking out.

"I'll have some bodyguards stay with you she'll most likely need to go to hospital so we'll give you a call once we get her yeah?" I told Alex and he nods. "Jake and Kyle y'all go ahead I'll need everyone ready once I get there " I told them and they walked out after nodding.

I got my phone going up the flight of stairs to my bedroom. I walked in immediately seeing their picture on the night table, I walked forward to it picking it up and running my fingers over it.... I hope you forgive me my love but I have to get you both back one way or another.

I set the photo down walking to the closet going to the back and pushing a clothing away pulling the short rod as the closet parted opening it my secret gun room.

I set the photo down walking to the closet going to the back and pushing a clothing away pulling the short rod as the closet parted opening it my secret gun room

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