Chapter Forty-Nine

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Nathan's POV

"okay my love, and since you don't want to eat healthy I'm guessing you want something else" I say helping her to sit on the couch, "yes please" she says as I only agreed with her this one time on not eating healthy. Time has been waiting on no one since lately so many months have gone by already, she is due for December 8th and I was so happy and scared at the same time. Dr. Roberts said she could pop anytime now since it was so close to her due date since it was only 4 days away.

I got her some snack from the pantry and orange juice from the refrigerator taking it to her in the living room. Placing it beside her on the couch and I kiss her head before going upstairs to my office.

I have been working from home for the past few months because I didn't want to leave her alone just in case of an emergency or maybe that was just my nerves but still I just want to be around her always.

This whole experience has been a ride for both of us even Zaiden was excited. We also wanted the baby's gender to be unknown so we don't know what it's gonna be but that's fun, what mysterious birth story to tell our child when it's born, we didn't actually know what gender you were so you were such a surprise but not really.

I mean whatever cause I'll love him or her just the same no matter what. I honestly just want the day to come when I finally get to meet my child, talking about me, Zaiden is head over heels about a new baby he hasn't even given Alianna a break, the only time he's not around her is when he's at school or he's sleeping.

And yes, he started school back in September Alianna wanted him to get a early start but whatever she wouldn't have let him start next year since she thinks his age group would be ahead of him he's only 3 he would turn 4 next January nothing is wrong with that he's a very smart kid I'd bet he'll finish college before his age group but she's worried about him being left behind. That's fine anyways because he like being there and that's okay with me of course.

"NATHAN!!" she yells pulling me from thought and my work and I wasted no time in rushing out of my office and down stairs to the living room, immediately going to her side.

"what's wrong?" I asked concern she was now squeezing my hand with a pain expression on her face "m-my water b-broke" she suttered out and let's out a pained scream and I was trying my hardest not to panic right now.

"alright baby just breath I'll get you to the car everything is already there okay" I say and she nods as I lift her carefully from the couch walking as quickly as I could to the back garage door and going out to the rolls royce where everything was.

I got her into the back seat and hurriedly got into the drivers side immediately starting the car and was out the next second. On the short drive to the hospital I called Xander and Alex informing them of the situation and also George so he would take Zaiden there after school.

"we're here" I say helping her out of the car and rushing to the doors of the hospital and once I got in thankfully I saw Dr. Roberts and he got her a stretcher, without wasting time he got her to a vip room checking whatever needed to be checked and I didn't leave her side once even though every time she had contractions she would squeeze the angels white light out of my hand.

Alex and Xander arrived a while later along with little Chloe. I informed them of what the doctor had told me then Xander went to get her stuff from my car since I didn't want to leave her. She was laying on the bed with her eyes closed still holding on to my hand, she's now 6cm dilated and she needed to be at 10 so they were waiting for that to get her into labor I don't even know what the fuck that is but whatever.

Some minutes later her eyes opened and she starts to scream and the doctors immediately rushed to her and Xander and Alex exited the room which they didn't have to but I guess they chose to. "'re fully dilated and ready to get this over with yeah I'll need you to push as soon as you feel a contraction" Dr. Roberts says and she nods.

I kiss her head and she painfully smiles looking up at me with sweat present on her forehead I could tell she was as nervous as I was. "you'll be okay baby girl" I say and she gently squeeze my hand once more.

They got her legs on two iron thingys and a blue paper like cloth over her, while nurses were walking around getting stuff ready and signing papers and other things.

"the baby's coming...Ahhh!! " she yells and I freaking went stiff before she pulls at my hand "we're never doing this again!" she yells in a warning tone making me chuckle and Dr. Roberts speak "okay you'll push you feel it" he says from his seat literally between her leg and if this was a different circumstance I would have him fucking beheaded for looking at her...hello snap out of it...

"one....two...three deep breaths" he says and she let's out a groan doing exactly what he told her to do. "that's good" he says and I was zoned in on Alianna's face not even caring about the pain I was feeling from her trying to break my hand or stop my blood flow while she was pushing and screaming for dear life.

"alright dear, we got the head out keep going" he tells her looking focused while Alianna was sweating despite the AC that was in here "okay one big one" he says and she did just that with a loud scream falling back on the bed as the room filled with the angelic cry of our new born child.

A nurse took the baby to get it cleaned up and the other's got Alianna cleaned as well. "congrats you two it's a beautiful baby girl" Dr. Roberts says with a smile and I look down at Alianna who look like she was high on something but also has a smile on her face.

"do you wanna hold her?" a nurse ask coming closer to where I was holding her and I look at Alianna and she nods so I let go off her hand and gently took hold of our daughter.

She was the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on. She has the most captivating green eyes and dark hair with an absolutely adorable tiny nose she's perfect just like her mom.

I turn to see her smiling up at us which made me smile and she sits up so I careful lay our daughter in her arms, and she looks at her just as mesmerized as I was and still am.

After sometime Alex, Xander and Zaiden came in when the nurses exited and were literally drooling over her, I mean who wouldnt she was the absolute definition of gorgeous and a tiny Alianna they were no different she's a mirror reflection of her.

"what are you gonna name her?" Alex ask making us look at Alianna waiting for her to talk and she smiles at our baby before speaking "I'm gonna name her, Zalia Nathalie Winter Vaughn" she says and I look at her surprise "that's my mom's name" I say and she smiles nodding "it sure is and you're favorite season does make for a pretty name" she says and I smile kissing her head, "her name sounds like mine moma" Zaiden says cutely "yes I does little guy" she tells him yarning.

"can you take her I'm sleepy" she says and I did just that bringing this little angel into my arms once more holding her protectively to my chest and taking a seat on one of the couch in the room. "I'm so happy for both of you" Xander says holding chloe that has gotten so big over the past months, "thanks man I'm honestly so overwhelmed, at least I don't have to be so stressed and nervous all the time" I tell him jokingly smiling down at the little beauty in my arms. "you deserve all this happiness man" he say patting my shoulder before walking back to Alex.

Zaiden came over to where I was and I help in to sit beside me so he could see his little sister properly. He was staring at her for a while before he looks up to me and spoke "I love her daddy" he says cutely "I bet she loves you right back buddy" I tell him and he looks at her with the sweetest big brother smile "I protect you baby, always" he says and I just witness the most wholesome thing every, I love them so much.



I absolutely adore this chapter😇

Also want you guys to know that this is the last chapter the next one will be the epilogue, and I'm being indecisive if I wanna write two part to that or one but we'll see.

Hope you enjoyed💙💛

Love you my butterflies 🦋😇


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