Chapter Twenty-Six

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Nathan's POV

"Good morning sir... Everything is laid out and ready for you" Brandon says as I walked up to him. "thank you Brandon, please get me coffee" I told him and he nods "right away sir".

I opened the door to my office and shrugged my coat off hanging it on the rack, looking at the stack of files on my desk...I hate Mondays.... I let out a sigh plopping down in my chair and powering my computer on as brandon entered setting my coffee on the table which I thanked him for, I grabbed the first file from the pile and started reading trough, today is gonna be a long day.

Hours passed before there was a knock from the door making me snap my head up from the computer, "come in" I said my voice sounding deep and husky and Brandon pushing the door open and walks in.

"sir, it's already 12 I'm gonna go get lunch do you need anything?" he asks "no thanks, I'm gonna need you to fax these to Lambert's firm once you get back yeah" I told him handing him some files "sure thing sir. Also someone drop this off for you it doesn't have an Address so I dont know who it's from" he says laying a brown envelope on my desk and taking the ones I had for him from my hands "that's okay you can go now " I told him and he nods before leaving.

I was about to get back to work but decided against it as curiosity got the best of me. I picked up the envelope from the table and slowly opened it there was some papers in there so I pulled them out and as I did my heart dropped along with the papers from my hand.

Trying to compose myself drawing my mind to a still confusion, why would she do this? I thought slamming my hands on the table as adrenaline rush trough know I just fucking thought....

I stood from my chair picking the pictures from the floor with disgust and grabbing my phone heading out. Once I got to the elevator I texted Brandon to send everything over to me once he got back to the office so I could finish up at home. Before he replied I reach the door ignoring all the greetings, I got out of the building walking to George and he opened the door as he saw me and I got in "take me home" I told him checking my phone "of course sir" he says getting in.

Alianna's pov

I laid Zaiden down to take his nap as he already got tired from all the playing and from helping me water the roses that we had planted.

Once I left his room I walked down stairs to get some water because I was honestly feeling dehydrated. I got to the kitchen and walked to the fridge to get myself a bottle.

I did just that and decided to go take a nap as Zaiden was asleep and it was only 12:20pm. I walked up the flight of stairs to the bedroom and got in, I set the water bottle on the bed side table and got my phone to check if there's anything new.

As I picked my phone the door came flying open making me snap my head up to see that it was Nathan. "shit Nathan you can't just do that" I said laying my phone on the bed "why are you home so ear-" I was saying before he threw a envelope on my lap and I looked at him now noticing that he looked red and his chest was raising and falling rapidly making me pull my brows together in confusion.

I picked the envelope from my lap and opened it without asking any questions because it was all too obvious that he wasn't in a talking mood which was really surprising to me, I pulled the papers from inside and as soon as I did my eyes went wider with me just staring at them confused. The pictures was of me I supposed having sex with some random guy and each picture was someone different.

"w-what is t-this?" I asks stuttering "you're fucking asking me! " he says raising his voice.

"that i-is n-not me, I w-would neve-" I was saying before he cuts me off and started shouting.

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