Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Nathan's POV

It was now 3am and I was wide awake laying down staring at the ceiling. I couldn't let myself fall to a slumber because as much as I needed to sleep I couldn't. Why would I even when everything is my fault, I gave her a reason to hate me and she won't even look at me that's the only thing in my head right this moment the fact that I hurt her even when she was telling me the truth but I failed to believe her.

Why would she even give me a chance to explain when I didn't believe her when she was being truthful instead I assume the lies were true.

Still I need to figure out who sent those photos and what the reason was. Why would someone want to do that? I mean paparazzi could be a possibility because I know for a fact no one wants to see anyone happy or it could be some jealous girl I casted aside. I can't even think straight right now but I must know the reason those photos were sent and from whom.

Laying down for more than what seem like forever I decided to just get up and walk around to see if I would get tired enough. I stood from the bed walking around to the door opening it and walking out.

I walked to the room where Alianna was and pushed the door open. She was laying on her side with Zaiden cuddling into her and I smiled at them turning away closing the door and heading down stairs.

Once I got down the flight of stairs I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water taking the cap off while walking to the living room. I picked my laptop from the coffee table turning it on and started at some work.

I didn't realize how long I've been sitting here until Garcia came in the room greeting me. "good morning mr.vaughn" she says sweetly and until this day I still don't know why she insist on calling me that but I won't argue. "good morning" I told here my voice raspy, she smiled at me and was about to walk away before I stopped her " could you prepare some chocolate chip waffles and some fruits a long with orange juice please " I told her and she nods with a smile once more.

She walks away so I stood up stretching and grabbed my laptop walking up the stairs to my room. I checked my phone to see it was now 6:30 and the sun was peeking through the curtains, I still wasn't feeling sleepy so I decided to take a shower.

I laid the laptop and the phone on the bed walking to the bathroom, I did my business and strip from my clothes stepping into the shower getting my body and my hair cleaned. I turned the shower off wrapping a towel around my waist and stepped out. I left my hair so it could air dry walking to the closet which still has Alianna's things making me take my time to look at them.

I got some black calvin Klein underwear and a black and white Jordon suit. I put those on with simple white socks since I wasn't gonna go out today maybe I would just spend the time in my office, which Xander had gotten the maids to clean since there was pieces of broken glass and papers everywhere.

 I put those on with simple white socks since I wasn't gonna go out today maybe I would just spend the time in my office, which Xander had gotten the maids to clean since there was pieces of broken glass and papers everywhere

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I grabbed the paper bag with Alianna's medication from the nightstand beside my bed walking out of the door closing it behind me. I went down stairs to the kitchen where Garcia was preparing breakfast, she noticed me and there appeared her sweet motherly smile and I smiled back at her.

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