Chapter Forty-Six

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Nathan's POV

"hey man congrats" Xander says hugging me as I did giving him my thanks and he went to hug Alianna. As Alex came up to me "congratulations Gaston " he says with a evil smile hugging me "babe you see he's always picking on me" I say pouting at Alianna and she smiles "snow white bestie" I mumbled as he walks away but hear and yells "I'm not short" "yeah whatever helps you sleep at night" I say and he snort walking off once more.

Everyone came up to us congratulating us for maybe an hour before Alianna got hungry so we decide to go eat. I still couldn't believe this was all happening I was honestly so overwhelmed with happiness. There's so many people here and around us it makes me feel good.

Everyone was talking and laughing, eating and drinking or just simply being here but most importantly my angel was here right beside me. "you look like a princess " Zaiden says looking up at her from his place on her lap "do I?" she asks blushing "oh no yous a queen I'm a prince" he says excitedly making us smile "you sure are my prince baby" she says kissing his head "come on eat up now" she tells him, with a wide smile on both their faces.

After our meal Xander decided to embarrass me and himself with a speech so that's what he did stood tapping his glass to get everyone's attention. "Good evening everyone...tonight, we are all here to honor the bride and groom as the groom's best friend/brother I feel honored to be here with him on such an important day in his life. We have gone through so much together in life man and I can not imagine being anywhere but here on this special occasion. Tonight, we celebrate the union of our two wonderful friends and family Nathan and Alianna, let us raise a glass in high hopes of happiness for many years to come!" he finished and everyone applauses and raise their glass to cheer as he took his seat and Alex stood...god help me.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, I am so happy you are all here today to celebrate the wedding of my best friend, I recognized she was so wonderfully exceptional in many ways and was happy to be in her shadow so today, I am beyond delighted that she has chosen to get married and embark on this wondrous journey. You both have honestly come so far and besides the point that I'm always at your neck Nathan" he says squinting his eyes at me "I love both of y'all so much and I hope you too never give up on each other because I would not want to you know.... commit murder " he says making everyone laugh. Alex was always so jovial and happy all the time I really did look up to this little guy....more like look down haha.... get it? cause he's short whatever...

After sometime Alianna's dad came to get her for a father daughter dance and she looks so happy which I'm sure was contagious. I was glad her dad decided to apologize and do what's right. I was so confused when they called yesterday, I had just gotten to Xander's when I got the surprised phone call from them saying they wanted to come here and apologize. It wasn't my place to say whether or not they could or couldn't come so I got them on my private jet yesterday and I'm happy I did because it made Alianna happy and I want to do everything to see her smile always.

This was strange as hell you might think why, but I've never gotten married like the whole wedding thing before. It was honestly just signing of papers with me and Lizza I didn't want all of this with her, don't get me wrong I did loved her but I wasn't like this with her I wasn't as open with her as I am with Alianna I knew she wasn't as faithful as she seems to be but I was blind pass that and she was actually some what of a good comfort when mom and dad died so I thought why not but now It's why did I.

"daddy look at Chloe " Zaiden says bringing me back to reality pointing to where Alex was holding Chloe and dancing, he's three years older than she is but I still can't get why I think he's got some crush on her but whatever. "do you wanna go dance with them?" I ask and a huge smile appears on his face while he nods.

I stood from the table with him in my arms walking over to where Alex was and he literally jumped out of my arm into Xander's happily immediately getting mesmerized by chloe...okayyy.

"hey you should go ask her for a dance I think it's that time" Xander says tapping my shoulder and I nod walking away from them to Alianna and her dad. "may I?" I ask and they parted looking at me and he nods kissing her cheek before walking away.

"hi beautiful" I say taking her hand in mine and started swaying us a little, "hi" she says simply "thank you for getting my parents here" she spoke up once more with a smile "it's really nothing " I reply sincerely. "well thank you for making me your wife" she says blushing "thank you for accepting to be called Mrs. Vaughn...Finally" I say making her laugh.

"this is honestly so nice and refreshing" she says resting her head on my chest "you know what's gonna be refreshing?" I ask "what is?" she questioned "our weekend honey moon in the Bahamas " I say smirking as she looks up at me surprised which I had no idea why. "since you didn't get to go last time we might as well now or maybe we can go to the Maldives I don't know which ever you choose " I say trying not to babble "the bahamas sounds perfect" she says with a smile.

"Great Zaiden will stay at Xander's then, by the way I know he's young but do you think he's got a crush on chloe?" I ask my eyes finding them "what? My Baby doesn't know what a crush is" she says pulling her brows together "he's a boy, beside haven't you seen the way he looks at her just the way I look at you" I say and she went red in seconds.

"okay yeah I've noticed but there's no way to tell is there?" she ask and I shook my head and she smiles returning her head to it place on my chest while we slowly moved to the soft music that way playing.

Everyone was dancing and enjoying themselves Zaiden and chloe was literally cuddling together sleeping and I couldn't be more suspicious of them but you know what that's none of my business he's gonna grow up anyways he'll figure it out.

"you know...I'm proud of you" Xander says coming out of no where and I shrugged "thanks man" I reply with a small smile. "I trust you man just keep making her happy she deserves it" he tells me and nod agreeing she really does deserves the best.

"'s after 12 you two should go get packing your flight is like 6 hours you won't arrive till morning go get packing yeah" he says and I nod walking forward to go get Alianna. After Alianna got done with swooning and giving Alex direct orders on what to do and not to with Zaiden which I know was a total waste of time we gave Zaiden kisses on his head before saying our thanks and goodbye to everyone and we were on our way to pack the next minute honey moon here we come.



Kind of a short chapter but hope this is good enough😊

Hope you enjoyed💙💛

Love you my butterflies🦋😇


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