A Goal Worth Fighting For!

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I open my eyes and find myself sitting in a fancy chair at the end of a fancy table and in a seemingly fancy room. On the table was a feast of different types of minecraft foods and at the opposite end of the table from me were two very familiar looking men.

"Well if it isn't the famous Notch and Steve." I said placing one foot on my knee and taking up a potion of healing and sipping it like a glass of wine.

"So I see you are well aware of who we are then." Notch said with a chuckle

"Quite." I replied switching from my right foot being on my left knee with my left foot being on my right knee, "And if I have read enough fan fictions, I do believe that my mind has been teleported to your part of the world but my body remains in my house."

"Oh he is good." Steve said

"Well he is your descendant." Notch said with a grin

That last part got my attention, it was so interesting I had to raise one eyebrow from it, "Descendant?" I said curiously

"Yes Stunnington, you are the descendant of Steve the Great Hero of Minecraftia!" Notch said with thunderous echo

"Please, hold the applause." Steve said raising a hand into the air gesturing to actually 'hold the applause'.

"Wasn't going to give one anyway." I said with a grin

"He has the same smart-mouth as you Steve." Notch said with a chuckle growing in his voice

"At least I know your smart and fast with your mouth, like me." Steve said with a chuckle

"I guess its genetics." I said which got a far away high-five from Steve, "So on to pressing matters, why did you bring my mind here?"

"Well we thought we should tell you the reason why we brought you here." Notch started

"Oh, so it was you guys that left that floating dirt block in my room." I said with a sarcastic tone, "Did you know I would of been sent thousands of feet in the air?"

"The dirt block was designed to teleport you into a certain area through which you enter the cube, like if you were to enter it through the sides or bottom it would teleport you on the surface or underground." Notch finished

"But we weren't expecting you to enter through the top." Steve said with a surprise tone

"What can I say? If I only had two choices I would always go for the third choice." I said with a chuckle, "Now the reason why you brought me here is...?"

"The reason being is that we need you to become the King of the Mobs!" Notch said in a thunderous voice and random lightning strikes.

"Okay." was all I said and as quickly as the random lightning had come, it had left just the same.

"Wow... wasn't really expecting an answer like that." Notch replied, "Dont you want to think this over or something?"

"No, I want to become the mob king." I said non-chalantly," But if I were to become mob king, how would I go around doing that?"

"Well... thats the tricky part." Notch said

"You see, when I was still a mortal in Minecraftia, I had become the mob king because I had conquered all of the bosses and their kingdoms, which got me here with Notch. But now that I am gone, these bosses have rebuilt their kingdoms and are now seeking to expand them, which is where you would come in to put them back in their place." Steve explained

"You see, the bosses have been able to produce a breed of their mobs they rule over called Specialized Mobs or SMs for short. These mobs are able to evolve to increase their abilities and make themselves look more human, the bosses have been training their minions in becoming specialized mobs but they were only able to evolve one mob from their respective species to the final stage. These mobs being the princes and princesses of the bosses." Notch finished

"Okay, you can save your breath for the rest because I think I got the idea." I started, "You want me to conquer these princes and princesses, not by killing them but by making the princesses fall in love with me or beating the crap out of the princes, am I correct?"

"You dont waste time." Steve said

"Just like you." Notch added-on, "But anyway since you know what your mission is, I think it is time to send you back."

"Yeah, the first one you are about to conquer is waiting for you in your bed." Steve said

"Wait one sec." I said stopping them from sending me back into my body, "I have one request before I leave."

"And that request being?" Notch asked

"I want to change the name from mob king." I said

"To what?" Steve asked which got a sinister smile from me.

~Back in my house~

I open my eyes to see big purple eyes starring into mine.

"Well good morning, Cutie-pie!" Andr said and then gave me a kiss on my lips.

"Good morning to you too, Grape Lips." I said pulling Andr closer to me and giving her a much more passionate kiss which lasted for about thirty seconds, once we broke the kiss Andr was breathing swiftly and her face was flushed.

"Well... I guess you slept well!" Andr said a smile

"Yes I did and do you know why?" I asked Andr taking in a deep breath.

"No, why?" She asked about to come back in for another kiss but got a full face of pillow cushion because I was standing on the bed with my fist in the air and wearing nothing but my boxers.

"Because I will become: The Harem King!" I shouted out to the top of my voice. (Author's Question: Can you guess where I got that quote from? Leave it in the comments!)

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