Time For Explanations.

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The fight between the two beasts seemed to have ended and I decided to get a closer look at the battlers.

"What are you doing?" Henrietta asked taking a sip of her lemonade.

"I'm just going to get their autographs, take a picture or two, stuff like.I always do that when I meet giant monsters." I replied sarcastically and jumping into the crater that was homed to the dragon, "Also can you get me a tablet thing from my satchel, please?"

"You mean the Mod Install Programmer?" Henrietta replied which surprised me a bit.

"How did you know that?" I shouted out.

"I have a fraction of your knowledge, so I would know a few things." She replied which I decided to end this conversation and looked in awe at the cryptic.

The dragon laid on its side, breathing heavily with a few bruises on its body. I walked up to the head of the beast, took my Iphone out of my pocket and selected the camera app.

"Smile!" I said taking a picture of me and the dragon, "So, now that all of this is over, can you get off of my property?"

The dragon did not respond to my question but continued its slumber. I decided to try and see if the over-sized spider would accept my offer. But as I was about to walk away, I was turned upside down and my body began to ascend into the air, which I proceeded to find the reason why. My search came to an end as my eyes landed onto my ankle of my left leg which was constricted in a very scaly tail.

I turned my attention to the once slumbering dragon that was now wide awake with its shimmering purple eyes starring at mine. I wasn't scared or angered by this but I was annoyed.

"Okay Andr, put me down now." I said to the dragon which it obeyed my command and proved my assumptions correct.

"How did you know it was me?" The voice of Andr replied as it seemed to have came from the dragon.

"I didn't, I just took a chance at seeing if it was you." I replied which got a puff of smoke into my face from Andr, "Okay, a few questions: 1.How are you able to turn into a dragon? 2.Is that spider over there Silk? 3.Why were you guys fighting?"

"Well, 1.Since I am the daughter of the ender dragon which means I can change into a dragon as my boss form but I can only stay in this form for a short amount of time. 2.Yes, that is Silk. All mob princes and princesses can change into their boss forms but just like me, they are limited for how long they are able to stay in that form. 3.We were fighting because we wanted to settle on our feud of who knocked you out and who should apologize." Andr replied all in one breath.

"I see, well lets go get Silk and talk about this inside." I stated dusting myself off from the dust clouds that were still subsiding, "Even this form of you is awesome, I prefer the normal you, its more attractive."

In almost an instant, Andr had returned to her normal form with a deep blush and cheery smile, which she proceeded to skip to my side and we made our trek to the second mob princess. Boss formed Silk was lying on top of her big spider butt which I proceeded to poke at it with my finger: surprisingly it felt really squishy. After a few pokes, the spider queen raised her head and looked at the source of the poking, probably annoyed by it. Silk's many eyes opened wider than the horizon when she saw me.

"S-Stunnington!" Silks voice emitted from the spider a bit surprised, "Y-You are awake!"

"Yeah and you are a giant widow, so what else is new?" I replied with a smile growing on my face as Silk transformed back into her normal form, "Glad to have you back, now lets go inside."

"R-Right..." Silk replied in a saddened tone; she also seemed to have been on the verge of crying.

"Please don't cry, it will make me feel like I did something wrong." I said continuing my walk to the house.

"I'm sorry..." Silk replied with a sniffle following up, "Its just that you saw me in a way I never wanted you to see..."

"Why wouldn't you want me to see you in a way that looks so awesome." I replied which got a faint gasp from behind me, "You sound surprised."

"You thought that seeing me in that form... was... awesome?" Silk asked which I turned around to face the watery eyed and flustered faced Silk.

"Definitely." I replied with a warm smile, "But I prefer you in this form, its quite cute."

If my knowledge of women served me well, I do believe I have just brought her spirits back up because her previous saddened mood changed to a much happier one as she rushed to my side and clung to my arm.

"Stunnington, I love you!" Silk shouted out which caused Andr, who was on my other side, gasped in shock but I just smiled at Silk.

"I love you too, Silk." I replied continuing my walk but was abruptly stopped by a strong force clinging to my once free hand in place. It would of seemed to have been a very flustered and pout faced Andr, "Is there something wrong Andr?"

"I...I..." Andr stuttered starring down to the floor but then raised her head up with determination and bravery in her eyes, "I love you!"

After Andr said this, Silk had given off some what of the same gasp as Andr made a while ago but I just gave off a warm smile.

"I love you too." I replied which caused Andr to cling even harder and closer to my arm.

"What do you think you are doing?!" Silk asked in an angered tone, "You just copied me because I said it first!"

"That is so not true!" Andr retaliated, "You're just jealous!"

The two continued their bickering as we made are way to the front door. Just then, the door opened and the face of Henrietta showed out through the door frame.

"I got the MIP." Henrietta stated as she held it in the air.

"Thanks." I replied receiving it from her and going through the crafting recipe pages but was stopped as I felt a strong presence emitting from behind me. I turned around to see Andr and Silk standing there with a strange dark presence growing over them.

"Whats up with them?" Henrietta asked.

"Classic harem scenario, the main protagonist adds a new member to the harem and the other members are upset about it." I replied which got a smirk from Henrietta.

"When did I become a member of your harem?" She asked in a sarcastic tone

"The second I saw you in that maid outfit." I replied walking up to the pissed off mob princesses, "Girls, just calm down."

"So, while we were fighting over your safety, you decided to go girl hunting?" Silk started.

"I guess you can say that." I replied in a non-chalant tone.

"Well, I guess we should get started with that talk you brought up back there..." Andr ended which I nodded in agreement. This is going to be a long talk.

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