What the Nether is a Harem?!

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I know it was obvious, but I chose to ignore the whole dark aura growing around the two seemingly enraged princess mobs sitting across the table before me. The reason being is that I enjoy chaos and I also want to see where this will go.

Just then, Henrietta came in and placed a tray of lemonade on the table and took a seat next to me. I took up a glass and took a sip. I expected the girls to take their lemonade but they just sat there.

"Hey, did you know that if you drink lemonade it causes you to not have children?" I said in a non-chalant tone, which caused Henrietta to take a sip from her lemonade.

"Well thats a good thing because I dont want any children at this age." Henrietta replied which caused a vein in Andr and Silk forehead to bulge incredibly.

"Who said we were having children?" I asked taking another sip from my glass and Andr and Silk finally taking their glasses up. Its about time, the ice would've melted before they even drank it.

"Who said 'we' were together?" Henrietta retaliated giving a suspicious stare and a sinister smile.

"The moment I decided you were apart of my harem." I replied changing my attention to the girls who have now destroyed their cups along with the ice within them with their bare hands, "Jeez, you guys need to relax a bit."

"Stunnington..." Andr started which I instinctively perked my eyebrows up.

"How do you expect us to relax when there is another sitting right there as if shes been living with us since the beginning?!" Silk shouted out, "And whats with this harem thing?! What the Nether is a harem?!"

"More importantly..." Andr started as she got up from her seat and stared at me angrily, "Why am I not in it?!"

"Who said you weren't?" I asked non-chalantly, "And to answer your question Silk: a harem is sort of like polygamy and polygamy is the custom of a person having two or more partners."

"Define partner." Henrietta spoke up, probably trying to add more fire to the flames.

"Well thats can be taken in many forms such as in my case: wife, mistress, girlfriend, etc." I explained which Henrietta nodded in agreement.

I got up from my seat and walked towards Andr and Silk and placed a hand over their shoulders.

"Listen, my goal in this world at the moment is to set the balance and fix the issues." I continued, "And the only way for me to do that is to get as many princesses into my harem as possible. Along with kicking the shiz out of princes."

"I feel like left over pork chop." Silk replied looking down to the ground.

"Dont be, because remember this: you two will always be my first members of my harem, so theoretically you will always be number one." I assured them which I assume brought Silk's spirits up but left Andr still a bit confused.

"So if you are going to add more princesses to the harem, does that mean you wont have any time for me." Andr asked with her puppy dog eyes and cut voice.

"I will thoroughly and equally distribute my quality time with all my harem gals." I assured her which she gave me a heavy bear hug and a deep blush on her face, "Okay, now I think its time that I expand my harem."

"I will help you decide on who to go after next." Andr volunteered.

"I feel as though the words 'go after next' our a bit of a creeper thing to do." I said which afterwards a thought popped into my head.

"But I think I should try and woo Cupa into the harem." I stated immediately heading to my MIP (Mod Installation Programer) and inserting a new recipe.

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